Friday, March 20, 2020

Donald Trump Can't ACT Like A Leader

There's this show on HBO I like called "Avenue 5", about a cruise ship in space taking a brief spin around the solar system for a couple of months getting knocked off course and it's orbit will not bring the ship back to Earth for more than 3 years.

The captain of Avenue 5 is Ryan Clark played by Hugh Laurie. Ryan Clark looks and sounds the part of a competent captain with a full head of hair and a confident American accent. 

In actuality, Ryan Clark is a balding British person who knows fuck all about running a space ship. His job is to look and act like he's in charge, like all the good space ship captains we've seen in movies and TV shows. The guests on Avenue 5 are supposed to feel at ease knowing that such a strong, confident man is in charge.

When Avenue 5 is knocked off course, the lie of Captain Ryan Clark's façade is exposed and a lot of people are not happy to find out his hair is fake, his American accent is fake and his ability to actually do anything is fake.

But Ryan Clark wasn't hired as Captain of Avenue 5 to actually do anything. Other people actually get things done while Ryan Clark looks good for the guests who feel better about things when they see the confident suave Capt. Clark looking like he's in charge.  

Despite the fact that Clark as no clue how to fly or fix a spaceship, his ability to play "captain" is no small thing. As more people see Ryan Clark's façade exposed, the guests, already consumed by panic and worry over the ship being knocked off course,  become more consumed by more panic and more worry.

There is power in the ability to just act like a leader.

In the real world, Donald Trump does not understand this.

During a coronavirus briefing at the White House, things took a turn when someone tried to be factual and honest. In Trump World, nothing causes problems like someone trying to be factual and honest.

The someone in this case is Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.

Dr. Fauci said that any evidence about drug therapies being tested at the moment was strictly “anecdotal” and not the product of a “clinical trial", going to add, “You really can’t make any definitive statement about it. "

Fauci was asked whether there was any evidence that  hydroxychloroquine might effective prophylactic measure against coronavirus.


"The answer is no," Fauci replied.

Trump had his own point of view. He said he felt "good" about the treatments and that the federal government had already ordered "millions of units" of them.

The very drug Dr. Fauci just said there was no evidence that it worked. 


NBC News’ Peter Alexander asked, “Is it possible that your impulse to put a positive spin on things may be giving Americans a false sense of hope?”


“No, I don’t think so,” Trump replied. “It may work, it may not work. I feel good about. That’s all it is, it’s a feeling.”


Alexander had a follow up question.


"What do you say to Americans who are scared though? I guess, nearly 200 dead, 14,000 who are sick, millions, as you witnessed, who are scared right now.  What do you say to Americans who are watching you right now who are scared?"

With the eyes of a frightened and weary nation upon him, Trump addressed the concerns of the American people.


 “I say that you’re a terrible reporter. That’s what I say. I think that’s a very nasty question.”

So my fellow Americans, as you wrestle with life in isolation or without income or God help you, the disease itself, please be assured of what's really important in this time of crisis: NBC News’ Peter Alexander is a dick.

There are things that the President of the United States can't do but there is one thing at a President most assuredly can do and that is to set an example of strength and assurance.

This is not in Donald Trump's skill set. 

Confronted with a nation gripped by fear and uncertainty, FDR told us "there's nothing to fear but fear itself."

Confronted with a nation gripped by fear and uncertainty, Donald Trump tells us Pete Alexander " is a terrible reporter."

Here's a thing that shouldn't be funny but damned if I did laugh out loud when I read this part. 


U.S. stocks were up for the day before Trump began the news conference.

U. S. stocks proceeded to tumble in real time as Trump spoke.

Son of a bitch was killing everyone's 401Ks with every 
utterance out of his lying, ignorant mouth. 

Well, as long as we know Pete Alexander is a dick, that's all that matters, right?

Mike Pence later gave a response to Alexander's initial question, saying, “do not be afraid, be vigilant”. Not much to it. Not exactly soul stirring stuff but hey, it got the job done. 

On the question of what to say to people who are afraid, it's a no brainer to say "Don't be afraid. I know you're worried but we're working to help make things better."

That simple homily was beyond Donald Trump's capability.

Yes, we need leadership that produces real results. We need tangible solutions to real problems.

And sometime we need leaders to act like they know how to lead.

Too bad we don't have that now. 


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