Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Mike Sterling Is Awesome!

Welcome to I'm So Glad My Suffering Amuses You, a blog about the stuff that wanders the periphery of my awareness as I endure the interminable passing of my days on planet Earth and whatever amusement might be gleaned from the ensuing suffering thereof. 

Let me try that again. 

Welcome to I'm So Glad My Suffering Amuses You, a blog about where I write about whatever shit I want. 

OK, that seems less depressing and just as accurate. Let's move on, shall we?

Yes, let's! 

OK, today's post on this blog is about another blog. 

That blog is called Progressive Ruin and it's written by a guy named Mike Sterling who runs a comic book shop in California. Progressive Ruin has always been my favorite go to blog for all things comic book. And now Mike Sterling and his blog have done something really amazing by validating my existence! 

OK, I am not so emotionally insecure that I require the validation of others. But it's a nice to have. 


OK, what am I rambling about? 

A few days ago, Mike was on Twitter pondering about a spike in interest about certain issues of Marvel's Defenders from back in the 1970s. Particularly issues with the Elf With a Gun.   

Mike wondered why the sudden interest in those issues. Did someone write a blog about them?

Well, I confessed I had. Click here for that post.  

Granted that post was in October 2018 so I doubt my little read blog was causing any kind of stir in February 2020.  

Then Mike wrote a post about this Elf With a Gun thing in his blog.  

"When I first discovered this, I was quick to blame comic blogs and their fascination with funnybook esoterica bringing something like Elf with a Gun to slightly more widespread awareness (for which Dave-El willingly took the fall with his 2018 post on this very character)." 

See why Mike is such a great blogger? "Funnybook esoterica"? Now, that's a true professional there!  

But he mentioned me, my Kryptonian nom de plume! 

And then he adds this: 

"Anyway, if you want to learn more about Elf with a Gun, and who wouldn’t, really, go read Dave-El’s post. He’s got it covered." 

Ooh! Ooh! Ooh! Ooh! Ooh! He said Dave-El again? And it's a link to my blog? 

This is the best thing to happen to me and this blog since.... 


Since EVER!  

I added this comment to his post. 

Oh my God! Oh my giddy aunt! I’ve been named checked in Mike Sterling’s blog! I’ve been name checked on Progressive Ruin! Squeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!

OK, the Elf With a Gun can just shoot me now! I’m done!

OK, was that too much? Too over the top? Does Mike think I'm weird now? What if Mike Sterling won't be my friend? 




Deep breath, Dave-El. Take your ritilin..

That's a good boy. 



Anyway, in all seriousness, thanks to Mike Sterling for the name check. And Progressive Ruin is always worth a look for news and insights on this crazy world of comic books. 

So, is that the end of this post?

Yikes! The Elf With a Gun!

I think it is! 

Remember to be good to one another. And if you see an elf with a gun, don't forget to duck.  

The editorial staff of ISGMSAY sincerely apologizes to Mike Sterling for this post and assures you Dave-El is mostly harmless and lives on the other side of the continent so a restraining order will not be necessary.  

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