Monday, March 23, 2020

Doctor Who and the Future

Last Monday, I looked back on Doctor Who Series 12.

Today it's time to look forward at what is to come for Doctor Who.

We know there will be changes to the cast after then end of year holiday special.  Bradley Walsh and Tosin Cole will be moving on so we'll say good bye to Graham and Ryan.  

It looks like Mandip Gill will be sticking around for Series 13 as Yasmin Khan.  

I hope Chris Chibnall isn't in any hurry to replace Graham and Ryan. The TARDIS has been too crowded with multiple companions and we really need a chance to see Jodie Whittaker's Doctor in a dynamic with one companion for awhile.  

When we will get to see what happens next is a bit up in the air.  Production on Series 13 is scheduled to begin sometime this fall.  Whether or not that provides sufficient lead time for release of new season in 2021, I don't know. Chibnall has said he expects the new season will be out in 2021 and if that holds up, I anticipate a Fall 2021 release.  And that's not taking into account any delays precipitated by the current coronavirus pandemic.  

I hope the show's future can still be assured in some form. Ratings in the United Kingdom are in freefall. Thankfully Doctor Who is a worldwide phenomenon and there are elements of support that extend beyond the shores of the UK. For example, the forthcoming HBO Max streaming service will include Doctor Who.  Still, the declining ratings for Doctor Who on it's own home turf are still cause for concern. 

The cause for those declining ratings is the subject for much online punditry.  It may be simply a matter of when Doctor Who is airing.  I can't speak for the UK but here in the United States, Doctor Who on Sunday has so much competition for attention from The Walking Dead on AMC, Batwoman and Supergirl on the CW, Outlander on Starz and more.  

In the US, television on Saturday night is not considered prime viewing time. But Doctor Who on Saturday was special in a way that Doctor Who on Sunday is not.  

It could be the problems with Doctor Who's ratings are deeper than a scheduling issue.  A lot of barbs have been hurled at the writing on Doctor Who under Chris Chibnall. I've hurled some of those myself. Last week's post about key moments in Series 12 not being earned is an attack on the writing process.  There seems to be a lack of a strong, connective voice over the course of a season under Chibnall. I'm not sure if I'm articulating this effectively other than there is this vague sense that something is missing from Doctor Who that's not keeping the audience interested from week to week.  

Series 12 was a marked improvement over Series 11 but Doctor Who under Chris Chibnall still needs to find it's groove.

Series 13 needs to be Doctor Who getting its groove back.


Here is an illustration by Paul Hanley which reflects the Doctor after the revelations of "The Timeless Children". 

Anybody and everybody who has ever been the Doctor in anything is represented here. Including Peter Cushing from the 1960s Dr. Who/Dalek movies and the Doctors from Curse of the Fatal Death.

Excellent work on that, Paul.    

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