Monday, March 9, 2020

Doctor Who Alas Is NOT New

After several weeks of Mondays posting Doctor Who Is NEW!, it seems a little weird to have Monday not be dedicated to a Doctor Who post of some kind.

My intention was to have a post to sum up the recently completed Series 12 but I've not had a chance to sit down and wrap my head around that yet. 

That post will come along next Monday.

We're actually do a re-watch of Series 12 here at the Fortress of Ineptitude. While away at college, my daughter Randie was unable to keep up with Doctor Who so Andrea and I have been doing a re-watch with her to bring her up to date.  

Today, all I've got on tap for Doctor Who stuff is this.

I know, it's unBEARably cute.


OK, I'm sorry about that. 

No, those are not my bears. I wish they were. Picked up the image on Twitter. 

Anyway, Doctor Who: Series 12 In Review will be here next Monday.

Other blog bidness: 

Later today is a post to bitch about the change to Daylight Savings Time.  

Tomorrow, the regularly scheduled Tuesday TV Touchbase will come around but will not be on Outlander as I said last week. I'm actually two weeks behind on Outlander.  Instead, Brooklyn Nine-Nine will fall under the Tuesday TV Touchbase spotlight.

Also on Tuesday will be a post on the new Pixar film, Onward. 

Wednesday will be  comic book themed post as I turn my attention to what's going with Superman.

Also coming up this week, I recount a quick road trip adventure with my daughter.  

Until next time, remember to be good to one another.

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