Friday, March 20, 2020

Blog Bidness: What Do You Want From Me?

Warning: if you see “Blog Bidness” in the title of the post, it’s a post about the blog. 

Today the question is, What the hell is anyone reading on this fershlugginer blog?

Below is a recent snapshot of the most recent rankings of the top 9 posts viewed on this blog.

The Cinema Sunday post on Amadeus is at #1 and it has been for several days now. I am not sure what’s driving this interest.  The Amadeus post was several weeks ago.

The 2nd post is my follow up on Donald Trump’s State of the Union speech which was what, 2 months ago now? Lots of me going on that Trump is a moron so business as usual there.

Coming at #3 is a Songs For Saturday post which was one of my oddest posts since I launched this series. It features among  other things Alan Cummings singing about the Hoover Dam and Peter Dinklage performing “Space Pants”.

At # 4 is one of my Kimberly Guilfoyle posts from two years ago when she was shown the door out of Fox News. One or both of the Kimberly Guilfoyle posts remain a fixture among my top viewed posts. If it's MAGA hats checking out the site because Kim's fucking the name sake son of their dear, holy anointed leader, they're in for a shock when they see the ubiquity of the observation that "Donald Trump is a fucking moron" on this site. I suspect the continued popularity of the Kimberly Guilfoyle posts owes a lot to sexual perversity. Which is why I became aware of her in the first place.  

The “Enter the Rainbow”post at #5 totally has no reason to be there. It was a slap dash “I’m not feeling well so post some damn thing” post. 

“Elf With a Gun” continues to track among top viewed posts, now at #6. Ever since Mike Sterling of Progressive Ruin gave that post some notoriety in his blog last month, this post is usually somewhere in the top viewed posts on my blog. 

These things interest me and puzzle me. 

I'm So Glad My Suffering Amuses You does not have a theme beyond whatever pops in my damn head. So I never know what will or will not get attention on any given day.  Other than the Kimberly Guilfoyle posts (perverts!), I have no idea what works and why.

Why ever you're here, thanks for coming by.

Thanks to Mike Sterling for giving this blog a nudge.

And remember to be good to one another.   

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