Wednesday, January 27, 2021

The Resolution Dissolution

This is the last week of January 2021.  Already? The first month of the year is nearly gone. How did that happen?

It may be too late to talk about new year resolutions but that makes no never mind to me. 

I don't make new year resolutions. 

That's not to say I'm perfect just the way I am and I don't need to make any improvements in my life. Far from the truth, that is. I certainly could be healthier and smarter and more emotionally secure and better organized and more focused and... well, the list could go on. 

And on. 

Which is why I don't make new year resolutions. There's just too damn much about me that needs fixing. I've reached an age where I am accepting that I'm old and decrepit and any efforts made towards trying to counter any of that is time away from watching TV and movies or a stack of comic books. 

My sarcastic new year resolution is always to watch more television. In 2020, thanks to the pandemic and unemployment, I actually kept that resolution. Well, I'm back to work now but damn it, I still need to finish watching Justified. 

No resolutions from me but just a fervent hope that 2021 may be a damn sight better than 2020.  

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