Monday, January 4, 2021

The Unwelcomed But Inevitable Return Of Ted Cruz Is A Lying Fuck Bastard

Back in 2016, I wrote a series of posts under the title "Ted Cruz Is A Lying Fuck Bastard".  

Of all the right wing ideologues who dominate the Republican party in the House and the Senate, I found Ted Cruz to be most abhorrent of the lot, a noxious mass of smug self righteousness under a thin veneer of something that is supposed to resemble intelligence,  wisdom and faith but is nothing more than his incessant and  obsequious pursuit of his own personal political power.  

Today I reluctantly present the most unwelcomed but sadly very inevitable return of Ted Cruz Is A Lying Fuck Bastard. 

The above graphic is the one I used in 2016. Yes, I know Cruz has a beard now in a misguided attempt to seem more wise or some shit. I don't care. I'm not updating the graphic. 

What brings Ted Cruz Is A Lying Fuck Bastard back 'round these here parts?

Ted Cruz is joining other Senate and House Republicans to challenge the certification of the Electoral College results Jan. 6. 

This challenge is intented to assuaged the hurt feelings of poor widdle Donnie Trump who still insists that bad meanies stole his election. 

Cruz said he wants to do an emergency 10-day audit of the results. 

You know, the same results that were certified by each state including states that have done recounts and audits with zero evidence of wide spread fraud. Each state has verified the results as accurate and honestly attained with Biden leading Trump in the Electoral College.  

Ted Cruz claims he has doubts that the election was lawful.

What pray tell is the basis for Ted's doubts? Here is what he told Maria Bartiromo on Fox News on Sunday morning. 

“We went into this election with the country deeply divided, deeply polarized and we’ve seen in the last two months unprecedented allegations of voter fraud, and that’s produced a deep, deep distrust of our democratic process across the country. I think we in Congress have an obligation to do something about that. We have an obligation to protect the integrity of the democratic system.”

I think this bears repeating: Ted Cruz Is A Lying Fuck Bastard!

Get a load of this line: "We’ve seen in the last two months unprecedented allegations of voter fraud!" 

Yes, Ted, we have seen "unprecedented allegations of voter fraud", mostly from Donald Trump and his lackeys with a vested personal interest in furthering his paranoid delusions. And not one goddam "unprecedented allegation of voter fraud" has been supported by one goddam piece of substantiated evidence. 

As for this "deep, deep distrust of our democratic process across the country", this is being fostered by the lunatic ravings of one man and stoked by media outlets determined to stay on Trump's good side.  

As for your "obligation to protect the integrity of the democratic system", time and time and time again (and again), each state in the country has verified the results as accurate and fair with no evidence of any wide spread fraud.  Overall, "the integrity of the democratic system" has remained solid and viable. It is only the unproven allegations of the sore loser in chief that generated any doubt in this process.  

Say it again, brothers and sisters:  Ted Cruz Is A Lying Fuck Bastard!

Can I get an "Amen"? 


Thank you!  

And while Ted Cruz tried to cast hobbling the wheels of democracy as some kind of honorable obligation, he's also taking issue with people criticizing him for it.  

The lying fuck bastard said this to Maria Bartiromo:  

“I think everyone needs to calm down. I think we need to tone down the rhetoric. This is already a volatile situation. It’s like a tinderbox and throwing lit matches into it and so I think the kind of hyperbole we’re seeing, the kind of angry language.”



What the holy fucking Christ on a pogo stick in hell? 


Hey, Ted Lying Fuck Bastard Cruz, you wanna talk about "tone down the rhetoric" when it's Donald Trump who keeps blaring in ALL CAPS on Twitter that the election was rigged and stolen. 

It's "like a tinderbox and throwing lit matches into it" is an accurate assessment of what Donald Trump does everyday, of what the sniveling sycophants who echo Trump's baseless claims with no evidence of their own to add. 

Senate and House Republicans challenging certification of the Electoral College results is a very good example of throwing lit matches into a tinderbox. 

What exactly will this challenge accomplish? It will lead to debate in both the House and the Senate, then a vote.  Democrats hold a majority in the House, and several leading Republicans in the closely divided Senate have made it clear they won’t vote to back the GOP challenge.

The upshot is this challenge will only delay Biden’s certification by a matter of hours. 

Overall, it is merely theater, some fireworks to make Donald Trump feel better and for certain Republicans to appease Trump's base which still has a hold on the party. 

It's designed to bolster Ted Cruz's profile. 

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