Monday, August 14, 2023

Christians Against Christ?

Various things that are regarded as favorites of conservatives have irritated the right wing nut case MAGA hats as being too "woke". 

For example, Chik-Fil-A and Cracker Barrel have come under fire for being too "woke" with calls for boycotts and such. 

Jesus Christ, what could bug them next?

Jesus Christ,it's... Jesus Christ!

Evangelical Christian leader Russell Moore said last week that  several pastors have shared stories about their Trump-loving congregants rejecting the teachings of Jesus Christ.

Seems some congregations are not happy when pastors preach from the  "Sermon on the Mount" wherein Christ espoused the principles of forgiveness and mercy which are supposed to be at the core of the Christian faith.

According to Moore, pastors have had interactions with church members along these lines.  

Church member:  "Where did you get those liberal talking points?"

Pastor:  "I'm literally quoting Jesus Christ." 

Church member: "Yes, but that doesn't work anymore. That's weak."   

Now as much as this sounds like something I would fully expect coming from today's Trump supporting evangelical alleged Christian, I do need to maybe cast a bit of a cold eye on the source. 

We're not hearing this from these pastors who have had these interactions but from stories told to Russell Moore who has long  been a critic of Donald Trump and the evangelicals who embrace him. 

In other words, Moore has a dog in this fight to make Trump supporting evangelicals look bad.  

That being said, however, it's a tale I am inclined to believe.  

My wife Andrea has been itching to return to church in person. Despite having every legally approved vaccine known to humankind and still wearing a mask in public, she's still scared COVID's gonna git her. But she misses going to church in person. 

And she would want to drag my ass along with her and well, I have issues that are not related to COVID.  

It irks me to be rubbing elbows with so called Christians who thought it was a good idea to vote for Donald Trump. OK, maybe I'm being "judgmental as hell" on others for their failing as Christians, particularly when I'm not exactly a poster child for Christian piety.  

I broke maybe 2 of the Ten Commandments just this morning before breakfast. 


If these same Christians are going to sit in judgement of my daughter who is good and kind to other people like Jesus wanted us to be but then vote for a man who is the epitome of NOT good and NOT kind who only espouses his HATE for others and his own selfish desires for power, well...

Fuck them! 

THREE! I have now broken 3 commandments! 

Anyway, back to Russell Moore, he said, "When we get to the point where the teachings of Jesus himself are seen as subversive to us, then we're in a crisis."  

Moore tries to assess the problem by trying to be understand and empathetic.  "The roots of the political problem really come down to disconnection, loneliness, sense of alienation."

Well, I can see your point, Mr. Moore.

Or to put it another way, evangelical Christians can be real assholes! 

Sorry I didn't mean to go on this long with this post and...

Jesus Christ! Look at the time! 

You see, it's... funny because Jesus is looking... at a clock... or the time, if you will. Jesus... look at the...


OK, how many commandments is that?  

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