Wednesday, September 6, 2023

How Old Is Too Old?

How old is too old? 

Well, it might be to ask how old is too old to still be reading comic books? I'm 60 years old and I'm still reading them.  Granted my tastes have evolved a bit as I get older. I still like some super hero stuff but I'm gravitating to self contained projects. I lack the time, patience or money to invest in super hero adventures that rely on a shared universe. I used to eat that stuff up as a kid but then comics were cheaper and I was a different person.  

How old is too old is to think a young woman is sexy? No matter how objective my analysis of a younger woman's sexual attractiveness might be, I think at 60 it just comes off as skeevy.  I don't care how shapely those legs or breasts are, you will get no "she's hot" from me. At best, I will say, "She looks.... nice."  

Of a more serious consideration is how old is too old to be in a position of political leadership? 

81 year old Sen. Mitch McConnell (R) was talking to some reporters last week when he got this far away look in his eyes and said nothing for half a minute.  

That's the 2nd time in 2 months that McConnell has frozen like this.   

This might be grist for the mill for Democrats to call for McConnell to step down. There would be no love lost for McConnell's departure has it's under his leadership that Senate Republicans have obstructed the agendas of both Obama and Biden and rocket propelled Trump's conservative judicial picks.  

But the Democrats have been silent on McConnell's age and these incidents. The Democrats have their own age related issues in the Senate. 

  • Dianne Feinstein is 90 and has been absent frequently due to health problems and when she is in the Senate, there are reports she has to be guided on such simple tasks of when to note "Aye" or "Nay".  
  • Senator Chuck Grassley turns 90 later this month.
  • Bernie Sanders is coming up on his 82nd birthday soon.   
The Senate has an average age of 64, making it one of the oldest  governing bodies in the world.   

Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley (age 51) said this about the Senate: “What I will say is, right now, the Senate is the most privileged nursing home in the country. I mean, Mitch McConnell has done some great things, and he deserves credit. But you have to know when to leave.”

Now on one hand I admire the direct ballsiness of that statement. On the other hand, Nikki's hypocrisy is showing when just last week she was whining that retirement age is too low and needs to be increased.  U.S. Senators needs to quit sooner but everybody else keep working until you die. 

Meanwhile there is the big guy, Pres. Joe Biden. The dude is 81 years old and has had episodes where he has not be at his best, rambling, mixing up names, repeating things.  At 81 years old, Joe Biden has perhaps the hardest job in the world as President of the United States and is embarking on the second hardest job in the world: running for re-election as President of the United States.   

Despite the missteps in public speaking, Biden does still seem to be alert and aware mostly. He can be engaging and empathetic when interacting with voters.  At 81 years old, Biden could be so much worse off than he is.  

But he's only going to get older and the effects of aging on the human brain and body are inevitable. 

We all thought Betty White and Bob Barker were going to live forever. Old age catches up to us all.  

One minute you think Selena Gomez is hot and the next you realize she's in her 20's and you're 60 and that's just wrong.

Old age sucks! 

While the Democrats can't call out McConnell's failings due to aging, the Republicans have their own aging quandry with.   Donald Trump, currently polling as their likely nominee as President, will be 78 next year. 

Now I'm worried that if that motherfucker slides into dementia due to old age, will we be able to tell? I mean, Li'l Donnie already talks in meandering rants devoid from reality. 

Now one question comes up is WHY are we stuck with people who are too old. In the case of Trump, Republicans have been unable to find anyone who can create or cultivate the near religious fervor of the Trump supporting faithful.  

In the case of Biden, no one else in the Democratic party has been able to establish the credibility of the being the grown up in the room who can get voted not just among the urban youth but among middle American adults who are distrustful of a liberal agenda that might push too far to the left.   

How old is too old? Maybe there is no "too old" other than to keep going until you die.  

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