Thursday, September 7, 2023

Our Summer At the Pool

Monday was Labor Day and also the last day our local public pool, the Bur-Mill Aquatic Center was open. 

Andrea prevailed upon us to go to the pool one last time for the summer season. 

After a few summers of not going to the pool (owing mostly to Andrea's COVID panic), this year we made up for it with at least a half dozen visits to the pool.    

Andrea really enjoys the pool. I'm... okay with it. 

Bur-Mil is a public pool and as such is filled with a wide and varied tapestry of humanity which I can find a bit overwhelming.  

I just find some small quadrant of the pool and bob. 

I don't swim. I do not know how to swim.

I just... bob. 

Mostly while I just... bob, I watch the deep end of the pool where the diving boards are and watch people dive. Or something like it. 

A few people have skill and arc gently into the water. 

Other people go for power to create the biggest splash possible.

Most opt to just walk to the end of the diving board and fall in. 

Over the course of the summer when Andrea and I were at the pool, there were at least two instances where lifeguards had to spring into action to rescue someone from the deep end.   

In both case, the lifeguard staff acted quickly and efficiently. Good job!  

I imagine being a lifeguard can be tricky stuff for these young men and women.  Long stretches of utter boredom and then a split second to act because someone's life is in your hands!  That dichotomy of boredom that nothing is happening and the fear something will happen is an odd thing to balance. 

With clocks ticking away to the end of summer and the last day of Bur-Mil pool being opened for 2023, there were announcements that the snack bar's price for ice cream was going down. 

By the last hour and just before Andrea and I were ready to leave, the price of ice cream was down to a dollar.  As the sun began to lower in the sky behind a line of trees and shadows lengthen across the pool, Andrea and I sat with our ice cream, toasting a good bye and fond farewell to our summer at the pool.

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