Monday, August 14, 2017

Charlottesville & the Idiot Supremacy

Saturday in Charlottesville, VA. 

Trouble was in the air.  

A "Unite the Right” rally was planned for noon.  Before noon, supporters of various alt-right groups began to assemble, promoting messages of fear of a world that was no longer theirs. 

A message of white supremacy, to reclaim the world for white men hearkening to a time of unquestioned hegemony. 

Also gathered were others who refuted this message of fear, this desire to return to a time that benefited one segment of society to the repression and exclusion of all others. 

Trouble was in the air.  Then trouble turned to tragedy. 

James Alex Fields Jr., 20, of Ohio, drove his car into a crowd of anti-racist protesters, killing Heather Heyer, 32, and injuring at least 19 other people. 

And with that, the conflict between fear and hope was brutally contrasted. A woman with the ideals that the world belongs to all of us lost her life to a man driven by hate for those not like himself. 

As bad as this incident was, it was what happened afterwards that launched a gut kick to our collective psyche.  

Li'l Donnie put on his big boy Trump pants to condemn the “egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence on many sides.” 

A White House spokesman followed this up saying, “The president was condemning hatred, bigotry and violence from all sources and all sides. There was violence between protesters and counter protesters today.”

OK, but only 1 person from 1 side opted to drive a car into a crowd, killing 1 person and injuring 19 more.  

And lets not forget why there was a protest in the first damn place. People were there to promote the supremacy of the white race over all others. The other sides, the many other sides, were there because of that one side.  

Man baby Trump would throw a hissy fit when Obama wouldn't identify certain terrorists as "Radical Islamic Muslims." 

What about the act of terror committed by James Alex Fields Jr?  This was an act of terror committed on behalf of white supremacy.  What is it, Li'l Donnie? Is the little man baby afraid to call out evil by it's name?  

It's just two words: white supremacy.

Are you afraid?  

Well, of course you are, you dumb fat fuck. White supremacists are at the core of that 30% that sticks by you no matter your displays of gross incompetence and appalling ignorance. White supremacists are not a majority of Trump's support but that  message they respond to, about taking the country back, resonates beyond them and across the core of Trump's support.   

David Duke, the former KKK grand wizard, connected the white supremacists rally to the fulfillment of Trump’s vision for America.

“We are determined to take our country back. We are going to fulfill the promises of Donald Trump. That’s what we believed in. That’s why we voted for Donald Trump, because he said he’s going to take our country back.”

On the Daily Stormer, a neo-Nazi website, posted about events from Charlottesville.  “WE HAVE AN ARMY! THIS IS THE BEGINNING OF A WAR!”

The connections of the white supremacists movement to Donald Trump are real and visible. Trump, with typical feckless cowardice, will sidestep such connections even as his administration includes Steve Bannon & Stephen Miller, stalwarts of the white supremacists' alt-right agenda.   

Thanks to James Alex Fields Jr., we know what hate looks like.  

Thanks to Donald Trump., we know what cowardice looks like.  

For the life of Heather Heyer and others like her who believe in a different and better world not ruled by fear and hate but a world of hope for all of us, we look to James Alex Fields Jr. and Donald Trump and we run in the opposite direction. 

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