Monday, August 14, 2017

Personal Stuff

Whazzup with me, Dave-El? 

I will be having surgery on my left arm this Friday morning. Back in January I had a stroke and fell down. I busted my left elbow which was restored with surgery a week after the fall. Subsequent physical therapy restored much of my function in my left arm but I am still quite limited due to a bone growth in the inside of my elbow. The removal of said growth will enable me to more fully turn my arm and wrist in a normal manner. 

Meanwhile,  a NEW medical thing has come about. 

It appears I have sleep apnea. It's a condition where one stops breathing while sleeping. So that's a fun thing to contemplate. 

One way that sleep apnea manifests itself is a powerful overwhelming urge to fall asleep during the day.  Which to blunt has been a major and recurring annoyance of late. Particularly at work. I have dozed off a time or two at my desk. So far, no major impact to my career but my "office" does not have walls or a door so such unbidden slumber leaves me exposed to ridicule or damage to my standing at work (like actually having a job).  

What comes next is getting me into a sleep study. I supposed I'll wind up with a C-PAP machine like some bargain basement Darth Vader. 

Sleep apnea also messes with you mentally. You know that feeling of trying to read something right before bedtime and words become random letters and sounds? Imagine hat every day. It's not fun.

It's also gotten in the way of this blog. It's really hard to string words into sentences which the human mind is screaming for sleep.

And don't gte me stratde on tpyos.

Or whatever.

As I write this, today is August which is my mother's birthday.
Or was. This is her first birthday since she passed away back in January. It's still weird and sad to think of her as gone.

Thanks for your time. Remember to be good to one another.  

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