Tuesday, August 22, 2017

The Eclipse of 2017

So did you guys see the 2017 Eclipse?

NO! Don't look right at it! For God's sake, put a filter on it!

Put a filter on it! P
ut a filter on it! Put a filter on it!


Whew! That was close!

OK, I think I see the problem here.  That's a 2017 Mitsubishi Eclipse. And the 2017 eclipse everyone was excited about is that big once in a lifetime solar eclipse that crossed North America yesterday. 

This one.  

Yep, missed it.  The Fortress of Ineptitude is north of the Path of Totality (where the real night time in the day time stuff goes down.)  

And it was raining. 

Of course it was. 

It was already dark from the rain but the light took on more of a hue of dusk.  

Which was probably for the best. I didn't have protective goggles or glasses and I didn't have a virgin sacrifice ready to go. 

I did witness a solar eclipse back in the 1970s. It didn't get night dark as I recall, just darker in a way most peculiar for a cloudless sky. I stole a quick direct glance. My dad told me not to because I could go blind. I did it anyway because he was stupid and it didn't make sense how looking at an eclipse would you make you go blind. There's LESS sunlight to blind you, right? 

To this day, I still think that split second glace contributed to (if not actually caused) my poor eye sight.  

My daughter Randie was disappointed she did not get to witness a more dramatic eclipse effect that others got to witness.  

But she has beautiful eyes that see the world in an amazing perspective, of different colors, shapes and possibilities. 

At least the Eclipse of 2017 did not have the opportunity to endanger those unique and wonderful eyes. 

It did have a chance to endanger another pair of eyes.  

Shortly after this photo of Donald and Melania Trump was taken, the Moron in Chief* removed his protective eyeware.  

Why? Maybe he was thinking, "Because of FAILING Obamacare, the sun is going out. SAD! Maybe I can restart the sun with my heat vision."   

*Will I not let up, even for Solar Eclipse day? No, I will not.

In Carbondale, Illinois, thousands gather to offer up a plaintive entreaty. 

Oh dark devourer of the sun,
We beseech thee:
Take us with you!
Take us with you!

The sky during the solar eclipse as seen from Depoe Bay, Oregon. 

And that is singer Bonnier Tyler who was famous for the song...well, you can see for self.  

And that is that for today.  

Coming up on the blog, I'll bring you up to speed on my surgery, a misadventure with my car and more stuff. 

Also for this weekend's Doctor Who post, Riff-Traxx and The Five Doctors. 

Until next time, remember to be good to one another.    

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