Monday, August 21, 2017

Trump: So Much Shit, So Little Time

WARNING: there's a total eclipse today. 


Hi, there

Still in post surgery mode so not so much with the typing. Stealing a page from my good buddy* Mark Evanier and his Trump Dump feature, today's Donald Trump post is links to other people doing the heavy lifting of writing and stuff.   

Trump’s Approval Rating Stands Below 40 Percent in Three Key Midwest States 

NBC News - Mark Murray

I personally find it incredulous that anyone as obviously incompetent and morally bankrupt would have any approval above zero percent. The three states in question are Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, three normally Democratic leaning states that did not go for Hillary Clinton. Looking at the dumpster fire that is the Trump "Administration", I have to ask you guys: how important are those fucking Clinton emails now?   

Whew! That was a close one, wasn't it?

Talk of ‘Preventive War’ Rises in White House Over North Korea 

The New York Times - David E. Sanger

Man-baby Trump wants to blow up something so bad, his belly button is puckering and unpuckering with excitement. I bet he got an erection up to maybe two, three inches at the prospect of lobbing a nuke at somebody.  

Even if we assume there is a robust discussion on options to be used against North Korea, we know where Li'l Donnie's desires lie. He wants a mushroom cloud he can point at and squeal with delight, "Hey, look what I did! I'm a big boy now! Weeeeeee!!"

Politico - Josh Dawsey and Matthew Nussbaum  

While surgeons were cutting out a bone mass from my left arm, Steve Bannon was cut out from the Trump White House. I awoke from anesthesia to sunny blue skies and world where Bannon wasn't sitting in the White House anymore. 

Does this make any difference?  

I'm thinking "no". Yes, Trump was echoing a lot of alt-right shit that Bannon wallowed in but Trump was picking that crap up from Alex Jones and the friendly smiling faces at Fox News.  

But there's no denying Bannon's role as Iago, having Trump's ear.  As noted by Dawsey  & Nussbaum, Steve Bannon 
fought for hardline positions and embracing culture wars, . reminding Man-Baby that moderates and Democrats would never support him but that's OK: his base is still strong and still loves him.  

Which is right at core of Li'l Donnie's sweet spot: hated by enemies but loved by his loyal supporters.  Without Steve Bannon actually present in the White House, Trump will have to rely on Steve Doocy to relay such sweet nothings to his ear via Fox & Friends.  

Huff Post - Carla Herreria

Is Donald Trump crazy? 

Well, fuck, yeah!  

But we don't KNOW that. As in, has a professional brain person had a look-see at the inner workings of Li'l Donnie's noggin? 


Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-Calif.) thinks someone should do that so she introduced a bill on Friday calling for Trump getting his head examined.  

Lofgren points out that Trump has not yet released a “serious” medical evaluation to the public. She doesn't expect the bill to pass; a Republican controlled Congress will see to that.Lots of chest thumping and "Harumphs!" and how dare we insult the integrity of the blah, blah, blah.    

But no matter what we can do now about the Moron in Chief smelling up the White House and Air Force One with KFC buckets, we should look to the future and make it a requirement that candidates or at least party nominees MUST release tax returns and provide an objective, unbiased medical report on their physical and mental health.  

And that is enough for today.  Until next time, remember to be good to one another.   

*The staff of Dave-El Inc and  I'm So Glad My Suffering Amuses You Entertainment must fully disclose that Mark Evanier is not our "good buddy" in any real or legally binding sense. 

 WARNING: there's a total eclipse today. 


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