Thursday, August 3, 2017

Oh No! We Have Movie Sign!

In yesterday's blog, I posted about our first viewing of a the 1999 cult classic animated film, the Iron Giant. But we're also getting our fill of really bad movies here at the Fortress of Ineptitude courtesy of Mystery Science Theater 3000: the Return.

Yes, I know it's been on Netflix for months. Why haven't we binged it all already? 

My daughter Randie at 16 years old may have the stamina and mentality for binge watching stuff but my wife Andrea and I are old and not cut out for the TV bingeing lifestyle. Our limit was 2 episodes a week of Stranger Things and The Crown. I've been on Netflix for a year and I'm only now finishing the 5th season of my 30 Rock re-watch. And I need to get caught up on my Arrested Development re-watch before the 5th season drops.  Andrea held herself to one, maybe 2 episodes at a time of Jessica Jones. As much as Andrea and I have a long time love of watching TV, we're just not bingeing people. 

Besides, MST3K is not a show that lends itself easily to binge watching. Each episode demands a lot of the viewer, keeping track of both the movie and the abuse being hurled a it. As much as I loved MST3K, both the classic and the revived series, my limit is 1 at a time and apparently that of Andrea too as well as that young whippersnapper, Randie. 

The series gets off to a great start with Reptilicus, a movie made in 1961 in Denmark. Cheesy monster effectys coupled with inexplicable Dutch acting choices.  The new gang really shows it's worthy of the MST3K legacyu with the host segment, a rap called "Every Country Has a Monster". 

Kropermann is a monster from Luxembourg

Who's actually the size of Luxembourg

He crushed the whole country of Luxembourg

Because he is the size of Luxembourg

Click here for the whole clever rap.  

Avalanche from 1978 is about vacationers in the Rocky Mountains find themselves trapped following an avalanche triggered by Rock Hudson's over acting.  

We get a segment with guest star Neil Patrick Harris singing a duet with Felicia day's Kingga Forrester. Uh oh! I'm thinking of Dr. Horrible & Penny?!?! Damn you, MST3K:TR!!!

1956 brings us The Beast of Hollow Mountain about an American rancher in Mexico falls in love with an engaged woman, fights her jealous fiancé, and is forced to eventually confront a mysterious creature which is preying on his cattle.

Starcrash is a 1978 adventure about a smuggler (I think) leading a team (I guess) in a quest (possibly) across the galaxy (more or less) to find and prevent the use of an apocalyptic weapon (or something). 

The Land That Time Forgot from 1975 features Doug McClure fighting World War I, Doug McClure leading American P.O.W.s, Doug McClure taking over a German U-Boat which Doug McClure accidentally steers  towards a mysterious, uncharted, prehistoric land where Doug McClure fights dinosaurs. 

Caution: the movie may contain Doug McClure.   

Last week we watched The Loves of Hercules, an Italian/French film from 1960 that makes no sense in any language.  After his wife is murdered, Hercules falls immediately in love with... someone else. She may have something to do with the film's plot but she's played by Jayne Mansfield so she mostly there for Hercules to oggle her tits while he suppresses the grief over his murdered... wife, was it?  

Caution: the movie does not contain Doug McClure. 

And that's where we are so far with Mystery Science Theater 3000: the Return. Jonah Heston is a perfectly affable host in the mold of Joel Robinson & Mike Nelson. Yes, the bots sound different but not so different as to be distracting. Tom Servo & Crow are seamless connections to MST3K's glorious past.  

As for the Mads, well, I'm not sure how I feel about them. Yes, Felicia Day is a flame haired goddess who should rule all as is her right. But Kingga Forrester hasn't clicked with me in the same way as her hapless victims in the Satellite of Love. 

Sorry! So sorry!! Felicia, forgive MEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!

I blame Patton Oswalt. 

Overall, I find the new MST3K a worthy successor to the original series, capturing that wild, gonzo vibe that made the series so beloved. 

OK, that's enough for now. Until next time, remember to be good to one another. 

Even Doug McClure.  

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