Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Trump Again? Oh Dear God, Why? WHY??????

If there is something I find most annoying about I'm So Glad My Suffering Amuses You, it's the proliferate posting about that idiot man baby lying fat fuck sack of refuse who somehow got elected president, Li'l Donnie Trump.  

Yes, I know that as the creator and writer of I'm So Glad My Suffering Amuses You, I should have some control over that.

I should but I don't.

If I or this planet should God help us see a future when Trump's time in the Oval Office is but a bad memory, I do not want to misremember or misjudge what a useless yet still dangerous pile of shit this godforsaken dung beetle of democracy was.  

Hence the obligation I feel to put down in words on a frequent basis what a dumb fuck Trump is. Not every day, mind you. I'll leave the more frequent reporting on Trump's consistent fuckery to Politico, The Huffington Post, Slate, Rolling Stone, New York Time and more. They have more time and resources to track whatever dumb shit Trump did in the last 30 minutes

Fellow blogger, good buddy* and Trump despiser Mark Evanier has taken to posting on his blog something called the "Trump Dump", a one stop shopping post with links to 4 to 6 posts from other writers on whatever dumb shit Li'l Donnie has done that day.  Otherwise, Mark would have to give up most of his blog space trying to keep up with Trump's insanity and ineptness. 

Click here to access News From ME, Mark's amazing blog. 

My good buddy* Mark and I have better things to do with our time.    

*My threshold for "friendship" is pretty low. You don't have to like me or even be aware of my existence. If I know you and like you, you can be my "good buddy".
This is the same standard by which Lin Manuel Miranda is also my "good buddy".  

Here's something else you will not see on this blog: the word "President" in the front of "Trump". It is a title and a level of respect that Trump just quite frankly does not deserve. Yes, I accept reality: Trump won the Electoral College. Yes, he is the President. But Li'l Donnie has done fuck all by way of showing he deserves the title of "President". 

Consider this Tweet from last week in which Trump demonstrates a lack of ethics and understanding about what it means to be President of the United States.  

"My first order as President was to renovate and modernize our nuclear arsenal. It is now far stronger and more powerful than ever before…."

My first order as President: OK, we're being picky here but no, it wasn't his first. 

was to renovate and modernize our nuclear arsenal: The order was to have a review done to see if upgrades were necessary. 

And let's go back to this:

My first order as President: No, Trump did not take some unique and daring action like it was his idea.  Every Chief Exec orders this review. Obama, Bush, Clinton, etc etc. Trump seems to be taking credit for doing something that's just part of the job.  

It is now far stronger and more powerful than ever before. As a result of your order, you dumb fuck? Do you really think that with a stroke of a pen, our nuclear arsenal is so much better a mere six months later. If our nukes are better than ever, that can be attributed to Trump's predecessors.

And speaking of "predecessors". 

One of the topics that I have covered on this blog regarding Trump is the predominance of his doctrine, "Whatever Obama did or wanted, do the opposite".  But this observation is not unique to me.

Check out this graphic from a last week episode of The Late Show With Stephen Colbert.

European diplomats are seeing this too. OK, so there are ideological differences between Trump and Obama. But when Li'l Donnie can't be bothered to pay attention, when he has zero fucks to give on a subject, his default position is to find out what Obama wanted and do the opposite.

Man-baby Trump's obsession with repealing Obamacare has little to do with actual health care policy and more about tearing down the former President's signature accomplishment. He really has no idea why Obamacare is "bad", he's just been told it is and it since it belong to Obama, then it must go. 

This is not a political or governing strategy; this is the strategy of a spoiled petulant child. And we're not, God help us, done with him yet.

And how can we forget this past weekend's fuck up when Trump would not disavow Nazis!

Yes, god damn fucking Nazis!

How bad a person can you be to not speak out against NAZIS? Well, as bad as Li'l Donnie Trump is because in the aftermath of the Charlottesville attack on counter protestors by a neo-Nazi white supremacist that left one person dead and 19 more injured, Trump could only bring himself to condemn violence resulting "on many sides."

One of those sides, in fact the only side to take a life, was the god damn fucking Nazis, shit for brains!

NAZIS, you dickless asshole! Nazis are BAD, you ignorant man-baby! Nazis doing bad things is MORE BAD! Nazis doing bad things that include murder?!?  As Wally the WTF Frog might say:




As in What the fuck more do you need to condemn the violent, lethal actions of white supremacist Nazis? 

NAZIS, damn it!  

You know who sorted out what to do about god damn fucking Nazis?  

Oh hell yeah! Jack "god damn fucking Nazi puncher" Kirby, that's who!

But instead we've got a bloated orange fat fuck moron with a ferret on his fucking head and his "on many sides" shit! 

Fuck you, Li'l Donnie! They're god damn fucking Nazis!

Jesus, this fucking bastard fucking pisses me fucking off!




Here's what “Last Week Tonight” host John Oliver said about that:  “Nazis are a lot like cats. If they like you, it’s probably because you’re feeding them.”

“What kind of fucking idiot would not immediately distance himself from them?” 

OK, we know the answer to that question, don't we?

Idiot, thy name is Donald Trump.  

Yes, Li'l Donnie did finally come out with a statement (TWO fucking days later) condemning racists, white sepremacists, Nazis, etc. I was not impressed. But I'm going to let my good buddy** Mark Evanier cover this. 

Donald Trump finally spoke out against White Supremacists this morning. I read the text of it online and then watched him delivering those words. They were more impressive in print than they were coming out of his mouth because he sure didn't look like he wanted to say those words and they were clearly not his. I'd have been a lot more impressed if he'd said them on Saturday and even more impressed if I thought he meant them.

**The staff of Dave-El Inc and  I'm So Glad My Suffering Amuses You Entertainment must fully disclose that Mark Evanier is not our "good buddy" in any real or legally binding sense.  

Which is pretty much my take on that too. It was like watching a little school boy saying he's sorry for something he doesn't really understand was wrong but he wants his toys back. 

Which is why, dear reader of I'm So Glad My Suffering Amuses You, that Trump must remain with us.


I promise: no politics tomorrow. The Wednesday post is on... Duck Tales ("Woo-oo!")  

OK, maybe I should let this go now. 

Until next time, remember to be good to one another. 

All right, Duck Tales theme: play us out!    

Life is like a hurricane, here in Duck Burg
Race cars, lasers, aeroplanes, it's a duck blur
Might solve a mystery, or rewrite history! 

Duck Tales (woo oo)
Everyday they're out there making, 
Duck Tales (woo oo)
Tales of daring-do bad and good
Luck Tales (woo oo)

When it's seems they're headed for the final curtain
Bold deduction never fails, that's for certain
The worst of messes become successes! 

Duck Tales (woo oo)
Everyday they're out there making, 
Duck Tales (woo oo)
Tales of daring-do bad and good
Luck Tales (woo oo)

D-D-Danger lurks behind you
There's a stranger out to find you
What to do? Just grab on to some

Duck Tales (woo oo)
Everyday they're out there making, 
Duck Tales (woo oo)
Tales of daring-do bad and good
Duck Tales (woo oo)

Not pony tails or cotton tails

No, Duck Tales (woo oo)

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