Sunday, August 27, 2017

Doctor Who: Past & Future

A quick Doctor Who post this weekend.

My family enjoyed a trip to Doctor Who's past about two weeks ago with an excursion to see Riff Traxx take ob the 20th anniversary special, The Five Doctors.  

Riff Traxx are performers from the classic Mystery Science Theater 3000. They lead an uproariously laughing audience through a showing of The Five Doctors. While I fondly recall this special episode of the classic series, there were more than a sufficient number of absurdities and lapses in logic to fuel an extremely funny take on the show by the Riff Traxx crew.  

Looking to the future, it looks like incoming producer Chris Chibnall has picked a man old enough to be Jodie Whittaker’s father as a companion to Whittaker’s new Doctor.
The actor is Bradley Walsh, known for his roles on 
Coronation Street and Law & Order UK. 

I had really hoped Jodie Whittaker’s new Doctor would have a traditional young female companion. If it doesn't matter if the Doctor is male or female, why should a change in gender need a change in the companion? I rather hoped to see a young woman companion looking to this new Doctor as a mentor figure, a sort of relationship that doesn't get explored that often in television. The optics of an older man as the companion risks making Jodie Whittaker’s Doctor appear to be subservient. 

OK, tomorrow, I meet with my surgeon to see how my post-surgery recovery has progressed. I'm hoping things get back to something resembling normal around here. 

Until next time, remember to be good to one another.   

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