Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Betrayed By Trump?

So get a load of this story.


Pat LeBlanc, chairman of EBW Electronics in Michigan told the New York Times that Trump’s tariffs were “killing” the company, which makes lights for the auto industry.  “I just feel so betrayed. If we fail because the company is being harmed by the government, that just makes me sick.


LeBlanc is a Republican who voted for Trump in 2016. Now he expects 2019 profits for EBW will be cut in half. 


Compare this to what LeBlanc had to say back in 2013 about EBW.  “Yeah, we’re adding jobs and we’re growing faster than anyone else. Getting into LEDs is what really propelled us. And we’re not moving to Mexico.”


Cory Steeby, EBW’s president, told the Times the tariffs that make steel and aluminum more expensive to import were “a tax that comes right off the bottom line,” and the company might not have a choice but to move production to avoid them. “It totally incentivizes you to move out of the United States and build either in Canada or Mexico. These are active conversations right now.” 


Let’s consider the timeline a bit.


In 2013, EBW is doing great. Business is booming, people were being hired right here in the good ol’ US of A, not in Mexico.


In 2013, Barack Obama was President. Now whatever Obama was doing or not doing, the economic environment was one where EBW was thriving. Whatever was going on in America in 2013, EBW was doing well.


In 2016, giving a choice between a candidate who would likely not vary the course from Obama and another candidate whose whole premise was to upend everything, Pat LeBlanc chose to vote for Donald Trump. Yes he was a good Republican but he chose, as do so many “good Republicans”, to vote against his own self-interest.


Now EBW’s profits are on a downward spiral and jobs are siphoning off from the good ol’ US of A on their ways to Mexico or Canada and Pat LeBlanc feels “so betrayed”.


Sorry, Pat LeBlanc, chairman of EBW Electronics in Michigan but that is on your dumb ass.

To make myself clear, I'm not saying you should credit Obama with your company's success in 2013.  But if you didn't see that Trump was an ignorant snake oil huckster and you voted for him out of some dumb party loyalty, well, I repeat...

That's on your dumb ass!  

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