Monday, January 28, 2019

I Am a Genius!

Saturday night, the family headed out from the Fortress of Ineptitude for dinner at Cracker Barrel. They have on each table a peg board game where if you leave 2 pegs in, you're "purty smart".  If you leave only 1 peg, you are a genius!

Well, guess what?  


I also have the memory of a goldfish. 

The Cracker Barrel peg game is not some endeavor of Euclidian geometric complexity. To be blunt, once someone has solved the damned puzzle, you just do the same thing again and you're a genius over and over again. 

The Cracker Barrel peg game has proclaimed me a genius before. But whenever I dine at Cracker Barrel, I never remember what worked before and I have to solve the damn peg game from scratch each time. 

Usually, I have to settle for "purty smart". But once in awhile, the right synapses fire in the right order and end up with a peg board with 1 peg in it. 


Well, I take my victories where I find them.   

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