Thursday, January 3, 2019

Congress Working FOR America?

When Trump was elected in  2016…


OK, deep breath. Steady, steady. Now…


When Trump was elected in  2016, one assurance we had that we would be protected from his worst excesses  because Congressional oversight would keep him in check.


Except there was no Congressional oversight. Trump would lie, say and do reckless things and Congress just shrugged and said, “Eh, whatta you gonna do, huh? That Trump, yeah, whatta character, am I right?”  


In fact, the GOP led House of Representatives was actively working not to protect Americans and American interests from the worst of Trump’s rhetoric and actions but to protect Trump from the consequences of the worst of Trump’s rhetoric and actions. 


Trump has spent two years with absolutely zero accountability to Congress. As we get 2019 underway, I hope that changes. 


I’m not talking about impeachment. If Li’l Donnie gets impeached, then we’re stuck with Mike Pence for President. We’ll go from being constantly scared to death to being bored to death. 


I’m not saying I don’t want to see the lard ass moronic fucking bastard impeached. God knows if Robert Mueller’s eventual report can hang any kind of criminal wrongdoing on Trump’s tiny, tiny, tiny dick, yeah, impeach his fat ass and the fucking stupid hair creature that lives on his fucking head.


OK, deep breath. Steady, steady. Now…


But I’m talking about the egregious statements that speak ill of the county Trump is supposed to be leading and the outright lies he tells. Wouldn't it be nice if Congress would collectively call out his bullshit instead of scurrying away from reporters like so many rats abandoning Trump Tower.


Take his recent trip to visit the troops in Iraq where he boasted getting the military a 10% pay raise, their first one in a decade.

  1. The most recent pay raise was 2.6%.
  2. The military has gotten a pay raise every year for about 3 decades now.

The House should vote to censure the President for disrespecting the troops for lying to their faces about their pay raise.

Yep, that's exactly how they should phrase it: disrespecting the troops.

Mr. Flag Hugger who rants against football players taking a knee during the national anthem as disrespecting the troops, how much respect are you showing those troops by lying to them.

Or how about censuring the President for his remarks earlier in 2018 in Finland where he stood next to Vladmir Putin and chose to take his side rather than the side of his own American intelligence agencies? Never mind the big talk about “treason”. Congress just needs to say in a collective unified voice that, “We can see and hear you, you know. And what you’re saying is disrespectful to your nation and the people who have dedicated and risked their lives in its service.”

Impeachment? Fine if you can make it stick. But really, all I ask of Congress is to acknowledge truth. Maybe have a continuing resolution that the Speaker of the House brings to the floor every day: “We know you’re lying.” And every day amend that resolution with a list of the lies Trump has said in the previous 24 hours.

Yeah, I know that won’t happen. Bu it’s fun to think about, knowing that Congress might actually do its job for a change and protect America, not Trump, from the worst of Trump’s rhetoric and actions.   

Congress working FOR America? Well, it’s a nice thought.  

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