Thursday, January 24, 2019

Supergirl: Identity Issues

Some thoughts on the recent episode of Supergirl.

Warning: SPOILERS!

At the end of the mid-season finale before the Elseworlds crossover, Supergirl was presented with a ultimatum by the President of the United States: either reveal her secret identity or she could no longer work for the DEO. Supergirl respectfully declines so that’s it for Supergirl and the DEO.

Like Supergirl can just ignore people in trouble. She discovers a ship where a Navy Seal Team has been taken out by a nigh invisible alien. Col. Haley, running rough shod over the DEO, sees that Supergirl is still going to be a problem for the DEO so she figures someone at the damn DEO knows who Supergirl is. She becomes single mindedly obsessed with discovering this secret.
OK, I’ve got to stop for a minute.
The Supergirl TV show has played fast and loose with regards to any security around protecting Supergirl’s duo identity. Sometimes she‘s there at the DEO as Kara Danvers and sometimes she’s there as Supergirl. The idea that Supergirl’s duo identity is some deep, dark secret that will take a lot of effort to crack is almost laughable.  
But here we are.
It turns out there is a core group of DEO agents who knows that Supergirl is Kara Danvers but they think Col Haley is pissing all over the DEO and they like Supergirl so they will keep her secret.
Until one of them breaks. Col. Haley, armed with this knowledge, threatens Supergirl that Kara Danvers’ life as she’s known it is over. Then Alex Danvers (who has been itching to do this all episode) straight up punches Col. Haley in the face and knock her ass out.


Alex Danvers straight up punches Col. Haley in the face and knock her ass out.

One! PUNCH! Damn! I gotta see that again! 


Alex Danvers straight up punches Col. Haley in the face and knock her ass out.

Then J’onn J’onzz shows up and Supergirl tells him about Col. Haley. “She knows I’m Supergirl.”
OK, I’ve got to stop for another minute.
Standing there with the  big red “S” on her chest with the cape and everything, Kara tells J’onn, “She knows I’m Supergirl.”
Dear, we ALL know you’re Supergirl.  You are standing there with the  big red “S” on your chest with the cape and everything. 
OK, side item: in the intro to the show, Kara narrates, “to most of the world, I’m Kara Danvers, a reporter for CATCO.”  NO! To most of the world, you are Supergirl. Everyone on Earth knows who the hell Supergirl is.  Most of the world does not know who Kara Danvers is! Jeez!  That intro irks me and I really wish they would fix it. 


Alex Danvers straight up punches Col. Haley in the face and knock her ass out.

OK, I feel better.
J’onn does a mind whammy on Col. Haley to make her forget she learned that Supergirl is Supergirl…er, I mean that Supergirl is Kara Danvers.
Col. Haley hasn’t forgotten her mission to find out Supergirl’s secret identity. So Col. Haley brings in Lying Cat*.
*From the Image comic book series, Saga, Lying Cat is an alien critter that will tell you and anyone around you if you’re lying about anything. 
OK, it’s not a CAT but it is a blue alien thing with tentacles in a tank; when you stick your hand in the tank with the alien tentacles, you are forced to tell the truth.
So J’onn has to mind whammy the core group of DEO agents who knows that Supergirl is Kara Danvers which unfortunately includes Alex Danvers.  She will have to forget her own sister is Supergirl. The relationship between these two sisters has been the  bedrock of this show since episode one back on CBS 5 years ago. 
OK, I’ve got to stop for yet another damn minute. 
From the scenes for next week’s episode, doing a mind whammy on a core group of DEO agents for whom knowing that Supergirl is Kara Danvers is just 1 piece of information is one thing. Doing a mind whammy on Alex Danvers for whom knowing that Supergirl is Kara Danvers represents a big chunk of her adult life is a whole other thing entirely.

This will not go well.

To be continued... 

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