Saturday, January 5, 2019

"Impeach the Motherf***er!"

Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) on Thursday at a progressive rally had this to say:

“When your son looks at you and says, ‘Mama, look, you won. Bullies don’t win.’ And I say, ‘Baby, they don’t.’ Because we’re gonna go in there and we’re gonna impeach the motherfucker.”

Democrats were quick to get out in front of a camera or microphone to decry Rep. Taib's comments. The last thing they want is to make impeaching Donald Trump a political priority. Let Robert Mueller do his work and when he's done and there is evidence of Trump engaging in any "high crimes and misdemeanors", they'll take a look at impeachment then if it is warranted.

Besides, they don't want to give the Fox News crowd and the MAGA hats and the pro-Trump Republicans any extra ammunition.

Whoops! Too late! 

You can imagine that this went over GREAT with the Fox News crowd and the MAGA hats and the pro-Trump Republicans.  Rep. Taib's comments were a big old shit ton of gasoline on their smoldering embers of rage, accusing the Democrats of wanting only one thing, to take down Donald Trump.

As I noted on the blog earlier this week, I'm not necessarily looking for Donald Trump to be impeached. I would settle for simple acknowledgement of the truth from our elected leaders. Instead of dissembling and double talking away all the dumb, dishonest things Li'l Donnie says and does, I would like to see our so called leaders from both parties to acknowledge the truth we can all see and hear. For two years now, Donald Trump has pissed all over America and we've had to listen to leaders in Congress tell us it's raining. 

Now that the Democrats have the House, the leadership needs to take every opportunity to says that Donald's just pissing on everything, our economy, our freedoms, our dignity, our democracy. It was something that Paul Ryan and other sniveling sycophants in Washington lacked the courage to do.  

Trump has done so much, said so much that shows he is so incredibly unfit for office and I would love to see this pompous lard ass moron pay the ultimate price a president can pay. 

But let's not get ahead of ourselves. Even though Trump has put Vladmir Putin's word ahead of our own intelligence agencies.

Even though Trump stood on foreign soil and maligned America in front of the world.

Even though Trump has consistently diminished American influence around the world.

Even though Trump has praised despots and dictators while insulting and undermining our friends and allies.

Even though Trump has engaged in a misguided trade war that is weakening American economic strength and stability.

Even though Trump abandoned American citizens in Puerto Rico.

Even though....

You know what?

Impeach the motherfucker!   

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