Saturday, January 19, 2019

Seven Soldiers Saturday #2

What, pray tell, is Seven Soldiers Saturday?

For the next few weeks, I'm posting installments of a serialized adventure of the Seven Soldiers of Victory. The SSoV was DC's other super group after the Justice Society.

Back in the 1940s, SSoV writer Joe Samachson produced a script that was bought and paid for but never actually given to any artists to draw and it was never published.

In the mid 1970s, DC editor Joe Orlando rummaging around the files and desk drawers came across the script and decided it was time for this story to see the light of day.

In our previous installment, a magical imp named Wee Willie Wisher has sent the individual members of the SSoV to confront a variety of mystical conundrums.

Last week it was the Shining Knight's turn.

This week, Green Arrow and Speedy find themselves cast into a realm of mystery and menace in Father Time's Inn.

The "casting" of Lee Elias as the artist for this installment is interesting in that Lee drew Green Arrow in Adventure Comics and World's Finest Comics from 1959 to 1964.  

Lee Elias continued to work for DC in the 1970s, drawing for DC's war and mystery comics as well as the occasional super hero work; I remember he drew a Superman/Batman team up for World's Finest Comics. He also drew The Three Musketeers for DC in the 1970s.

Over at Marvel, Lee Alias provided art for The Human Fly and Luke Cage, Power Man. 

In the credit where credit is due department, the scans for these stories come from Diversions of the Groovy Age. Sadly, the Groove Agent is no longer posting as he once did but the site remains a treasure trove of comic books from 1968 to 1980.  

Next week in Seven Soldiers Saturday #3, the Crimson Avenger (AND Wing)  in a magical exploit conjured by Wee Willie Wisher. 

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