Thursday, January 31, 2019

Trump Vs. Intelligence

Trying to keep track of what Li’l Donnie Trump lies about and is just plain stupid about can be a full time job.


With brutal sub-zero cold rampaging across the United States, Trump wondered aloud whatever happened to all that “Global Warming”.  Not to be too particularly hard on Li’l Donnie; he’s not the only Republican to confuse climate and weather.  The overall climate of the globe is getting warmer but it doesn’t stop cold weather from happening. In fact, global warming can exacerbates the excesses of winter weather. 


Like the Polar Vortex. There are two channels of wind that blow around the upper reaches of Earth’s northern hemisphere, the Jet Stream and the Polar Vortex. The Jet Stream generally holds to the north of the United States but it’s path can meander into the lower 48 states. The Polar Vortex generally holds a tighter circular path over the northern polar regions but can expand outward and cover Canada and the United States. Apparently a warmer planet weakens the intensity of the Jet Stream which means its lacks the usual force to lock the Polar Vortex in place over the North Pole.


The upshot in this case is that Global WARMING has created a circumstance to create COLDER weather.


Weird, huh? Yeah but it's true. 


On top of not grasping what Global Warming means, Donald Trump went to war with intelligence.


Specifically, he took issue with Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats as well as CIA Director Gina Haspel on certain key points of foreign policy. 


Coats and Haspel testified to the Senate that Tehran isn’t “currently” taking steps to develop nuclear weapons and that “technically” they remain in compliance with the Iran nuclear deal.  


Here is Trump’s well thought out and reasoned response to that: "The Intelligence people seem to be extremely passive and naive when it comes to the dangers of Iran.  They are wrong! When I became President Iran was making trouble all over the Middle East, and beyond.” 


Again, not to be too particularly hard on Li’l Donnie as he’s not the only Republican to conflate Iran’s nuclear ambitions and the other trouble Iran makes  “all over the Middle East, and beyond.” 


The deal to keep Iran from getting nuclear weapons was designed (this could complicated so do try to keep up, OK?) to keep Iran from getting nuclear weapons.


It was NOT designed to keep Iran from having guns and rockets. It was NOT designed to keep Iran from supporting terrorist organizations. 


It was NOT designed to make Iran being a best buddy to America.


NO, the deal to keep Iran from getting nuclear weapons was designed to keep Iran from getting nuclear weapons. And from all credible evidence, the deal to keep Iran from getting nuclear weapons was and is keeping Iran from getting nuclear weapons.


Until Li’l Donnie turned tail and violated the deal despite all evidence that the deal to keep Iran from getting nuclear weapons was and is keeping Iran from getting nuclear weapons. Because Trump just knew in his enormous gut that the deal to keep Iran from getting nuclear weapons was a BAD DEAL and Iran was getting nuclear weapons.


Also, Coats and Haspel told the Senate that no, ISIS is not defeated.


Commander Bone Spurs retorted, “They are TOO! I defeated them! So there! You’re all pootie heads!” 


And Coats and Haspel advised the Senate that it is unlikely that North Korea’s Kim Jung Un is giving up any of his nukes. 


Li’l Donnie put his fingers in his ears and hollered, “NO! You are bunch of meanies!! Kim Jong Un is my bestest friend in the whole wide world and he told me he would give up his nukes! HE TOLD ME!!!!”


This behavior is not new and it’s not Trump’s most egregious display of ego over facts. Remember when Trump shared a stage with Vladmir Putin and denounced the findings of American intelligence officers about Russian interference in America’s election process and spoke in support of Putin’s denials of those charges. On foreign soil, Trump disrespected Americans over the word of a world leader of a foreign power hostile to American interests.  


If Congress, particularly the Republicans in the Senate, had any backbone, they should call out Trump’s lack of leadership and his fraudulent statements against those who serve this country.  

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