Sunday, February 3, 2019

Doctor Who: Three's A Crowd

I don't know how the Doctor/Yaz shippers are gonna take this but...

Here we have a grinning Jodie Whittaker with a bear hug grip on Tosin Cole who in turns is hold back a sulking Mandip Gill at arm's length. 

 Is Mandip sad that she doesn't get to hug Tosin?

Or is Mandip sad that Jodie isn't hugging her like that? 

OK, let's make it about the characters instead!

Is Yaz sad that she doesn't get to hug Ryan?

Or is Yaz sad that the Doctor isn't hugging her like that? 

Now that's a bit more interesting, isn't it?

I've read some stuff positing a potential relationship between Yaz and Ryan and it does make some sense that could happen. They're both the same age with shared experiences.

But it also seems too obvious.

Go over to You Tube and you can't swing a Pting without hitting a video montage of Yaz smiling at the Doctor set to the sad melodies and pining lyrics of a woman singing about love. 

In "Arachnids in the U.K.", Yaz's mom is open minded enough to guess if Yaz is in a relationship with Ryan or the Doctor? Is her mom so in the dark about her own daughter, she's just throwing ideas out to see what sticks? Or does she know something about Yaz and her sexual orientation that would lead her to question if a man or a woman might be dating her daughter? Could it be Yaz's mom is not just randomly speculating but narrowing down two potential suitors for her daughter?

Is Yaz bi-sexual? 

If Yaz is bi-sexual, does Yaz know that? Could it be that Yaz is so ready and willing reach out to help others because she's not ready and willing to look inward and examine her own life? 

I think that of the 3 members in the Doctor's "fam", she is the one who is the most devoted to the Doctor, the most eager to follow her. All that could be that the Doctor is freakin' awesome and it beats handing out parking tickets in Sheffield. Or it could be Yaz is responding to the Doctor on a deeper level.

Or maybe Yaz just doesn't have a lot of friends and the Doctor was very nice to her so Yaz is the Doctor's puppy?

Of course, Chris Chibnall didn't give us a lot to work with here during the course of Series 11.

But damn, those videos on You Tube of Yaz smiling and looking at the Doctor longingly, they really do make a strong case that there is something... there. 

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