Friday, February 8, 2019

Blog Bidness

So now what?

Fair warning, when you see a blog post here at I'm So Glad My Suffering Amuses You with a title "Blog Bidness", it's a blog post about the blog. 

The wonder and the magic that is I'm So Glad My Suffering Amuses You is brought to life via Blogger, a product of the fine folks at Google. 

There is a lot about Blogger that annoys me. Sometimes trying to edit content is like pushing a very large and lethargic pig through a vat of oatmeal. Sometimes fonts change for no good reason. 

On the other hand, Blogger is free so there's that.

Recently, this message popped up on from the fine folks at Google. 

My technical savvy is quite limited. I think I know where the power button on my computer is. After that, anything computery is pretty much outside my wheelhouse. 

But even I, as technically dense as I am, have noticed the absence of the share button.  

And I've noticed that since the share button has gone away, the number of visits to the blog have gone way down. 

Even the troll bots at the Russian troll farm aren't poking around as often. Я скучаю по тебе, русские парни-тролли!*

*I miss you, Russian troll guys!  

Now, to be honest, I don't normally pay attention to such things as blog traffic. I'm not doing this blog to make money. I'm not doing this to promote some other endeavor like a book or a podcast or something. 

The main reason for the existence of I'm So Glad My Suffering Amuses You is that I have no friends and other than my therapist, I have no where I can say stuff. So I say stuff here. If anyone happens by to read stuff I say, that's purely incidental. 

Which is always weird when I realize someone's reading stuff.  When I wrote my post on the passing of Brian, AKA Snell, the writer of  Slay, Monstrobot of the Deep, I was most surprised to see someone left a comment. Which was nice but a little disconcerting. Wow! Somebody actually read this?

When I just went back to look at that comment, I noticed it's missing. I believe that may be due to the changes instituted by Google. Well, gee, thanks for that hit to my fragile esteem, Google.  

Sometimes I look at the stats to see what is being looked at here on the ol' blog thing. In the top 10, it's usually recent posts from the last few days.

There are, however, a couple of posts from last summer that make regular appearances in the top 10. They were two posts on the LEGendary rise of Kimberly Guilfoyle at Fox News and the status of her LEGacy at the network.  

Click HERE and HERE for those works of LEGitimate journalism.  

Some pics of the LEGendary Kimberly Guilfoyle  

I'm not sure, we could be dealing with leg festishists, high heel perverts or frequent views by Eric Trump as he drools on himself, submerged in a raging jealousy that Don Jr is dating her. The Russian trolls, maybe? It could be anything. Whatever the reason, the Kimberly Guilfoyle posts remain a fixture in the top 10 posts viewed on this  blog.

Anyway, I am a bit worried about the future of this blog. When I tried to quit blogging back in the fall of 2017, I missed the forum to have somewhere to say stuff. I'm So Glad My Suffering Amuses You is where I come to say stuff. 

To have anyone actually listen is incidental. But I'm not going to lie, it's not like I want to just talk to myself. It was kind of nice knowing that someone might pop by and being entertained or interested in something I had to say. 

It seems the changes made by Google have reduced those chances and made the neighborhood around here a bit empty. 

OK, so what now? 

I'm So Glad My Suffering Amuses You will go on for now. There's another Seven Soldiers Saturday installment coming up tomorrow. 

After that, the usual assortment of random whatever pops into my head. 

I am so glad my suffering may have amused you. 

And remember to be good to one another.   

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