Saturday, February 23, 2019

Some Good Ol’ Fashioned Voter Fraud

I suppose I would be remiss if I didn’t turn some attention to the political scandal brewing in my home state of North Carolina where the state board of elections ordered a do-over of the election in the 9th Congressional District for the House of Representatives seat in the 9th Congressional District.  After a review of evidence and testimony, the board ruled that the November election between Republican Mark Harris and Democrat Dan McCready was tainted by a scheme to collect and mark voters’ absentee ballots.

Well, hot damn and yee-haw, we got ourselves some good ol’ fashioned voter fraud, don’t you know!

All of this is a bit of an embarrassment for the Republican Party. Republicans have been flogging away for years now about the vital urgency of protecting the security and the sanctity of the voting process, pushing forth rules, regulations, laws and amendments and I don’t know what all requiring voter ID and curtailing early voting, all in the name of maintaining the integrity of that most democratic of institutions, the right to vote. 

The fact that these rules, regulations, laws and amendments and I don’t know what all tended to target racial minorities and the poor who tend to vote for Democrats was just, well, not really that big of a deal, right? 

The fact that these rules, regulations, laws and amendments and I don’t know what all presented solutions to problems that by all available evidence were not happening, at least certainly not at the scale that fearful Republicans would have you believe. 

The fact that these rules, regulations, laws and amendments and I don’t know what all had fuck all to do with the actual voter fraud being perpetrated in North Carolina's 9th Congressional District, voter fraud being committed for the benefit of the Republican candidate, well, what can you say?  

Well, nothing, really.  Remember how Li’l Donnie Trump would get his panties in a knot over alleged voter fraud? Oh no, voter fraud in the governor and senator races in Florida, Trump loudly whined and complained even though the Republican candidates ultimately won. Hell, Trump tried to cast accusations of voter fraud on his own election in 2016 to explain why he lost the popular vote where there was no evidence of any such thing going on?

Now we have a for real case of bonafide voter fraud and not a single damn peep out of the Moron In Chief*. 

Other Republicans are likewise recalcitrant to discuss this. It doesn’t fit the narrative they’ve been pushing for years. This is not a case of a black man without a driver’s license trying to vote twice. This is a case of white man, Leslie McCrae Dowless, gaming the system to take advantage of the poor, the elderly, the infirm to benefit one of their own.  No wonder Republicans don’t want to talk about this. 

After years of Republican fearmongering about voter fraud, now that we actually have some good ol’ fashioned voter fraud, now they don't want to talk about it. Well, ain't that a cryin' shame.   

UPDATED: 02/23/2019, 7:54 AM EST 
* Trump was forced to say something when he was asked about the voter fraud case in North Carolina. He said all voter fraud is bad but then immediately pivoted to Texas and California as having worse examples of voter fraud. For which he has no factual support.  

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