Sunday, February 17, 2019

Jesus Is Cancelled?!?!?

So it goes like this. 

DC's Vertigo imprint announced last year a new title to come out in March 2019 called Second Coming. Created by writer Mark Russell and artist Richard Pace, it's the story of a Superman expy called Sun Man who gets Jesus Christ as a roommate. 

Sounds like fun to me.

But predictably, a conservative Christian website got their communion wafers in a knot and got a petition going. About a quarter million people signed the darn thing to keep Second Coming from seeing the light of day. Without having read a single issue, a single page, not even so much as a panel.  

But there was enough of a kerfluffle that DC did what any corporate entity would be expected to do and cancelled the series.    

Mark Russell is taking this in stride, says DC's been cool with them about this and turned the rights back over to Mark and Richard. Likely Second Coming will still take flight but just with a different publisher. 

I'm thinking Image would be a good fit.  

As always, I am fascinated by the lack of faith Christians have in their faith. Do they really think this comic book would be a threat to their 2,000 plus year old religion? Do they have so little faith in their Lord and Savior to think appearing with "Superman" would bring him down? Do they have so little faith in their faith that it can't stand under the scrutiny of a little satire?  

So Sun Man and Jesus have captured presumably bad men with guns. Sun Man's hands are balled into fists, ready for violence; Jesus is trying to feed a loaf of bread to his bad guy.

Would a Christian look at this and think, "Wait! We all know it takes a good man with a gun to stop a bad man with a gun. Is Jesus actually trying to be kind to the bad man? What kind of liberal bull is this? Is Jesus being soft on crime?"  

No wonder this comic book had to go.   

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