Tuesday, February 26, 2019

The 2019 Oscars: the Aftermath of the Aftermath

From yesterday's post:

Are you fucking kidding me?
Green Book?
Best Picture? 
Green Book?!?! 

You know what?
Fuck the Oscars!
Fuck them so hard! 

Whoa! That was kind of harsh.

Wow! Did I take that badly.

A couple of things:

I used to be really good at this. Even when I was a kid, I would watch the Oscars and more often than not, I could predict the winners fairly consistently. The source of my prognostication was just that I read a lot. I could sense trends, who was hot and who was not going into the night.  It is a bit frustrating that as I’ve gotten older, the gift predicting Oscar wins seems more tenuous. 

I really do not think Green Book is the year’s best picture. No, I have not seen this movie. Maybe if I did, I would like it. But every indicator I’ve seen and heard is this is not a movie I’m interested in.  A white person who is a little or a lot racist is forced to interact with a black person and therefore comes to realize that black people are just people and racism is bad, isn’t it? It’s a movie about race designed to make white people feel better. At least I’m not that racist! We can all learn to be less racist and get along with one another! If we can forge that connection with one black person, we can solve racism forever.  

Look, if the academy wanted to send a message about race, why go with Green Book when BlacKkKlansmen is right there? Black Panther is right there. Move from racism against black people to racism against Hispanics and Roma is right there.  Why pick the one movie about race written by a white guy, directed by a white guy, starring a white guy?

Yeah, I got zeroed on Best Actress but that was my own damn fault. I mean, yeah, all the trends were heading towards Glenn Close but I should’ve at least gone with Olivia Colman as my back up. But ultimately, I’m glad she won. No, I did not see The Favourite but if Colman brought the same level of talent that I’ve seen her bring to other roles, I have no doubt she earned that Oscar. And she did give the most charming acceptance speech. 

The only thing that could’ve been worse than Green Book winning was if Bohemian Rhapsody won. Did you know that Freddie Mercury was gay? Rami Malek knew it as he said so in his acceptance speech. Apparently, its not so obvious in the movie about his life.

Donald Trump managed to inject himself into the Oscar conversation, even if his name didn’t come up.  

In response to Spike Lee accepting his screenplay Oscar, Li’l Donnie had this to say.  

Be nice if Spike Lee could read his notes, or better yet not have to use notes at all, when doing his racist hit on your President, who has done more for African Americans (Criminal Justice Reform, Lowest Unemployment numbers in History, Tax Cuts,etc.) than almost any other Pres!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 25, 2019 

Here’s what apparently upset Li’l Donnie’s sensitive ears.

Spike Lee: “The 2020 election is right around the corner. Let’s all mobilize, let’s all be on the right side of history. Make the moral choice between love versus hate. Let’s do the right thing.”

On an appeal to make a choice between love and hate, it’s interesting that Li’l Donnie instantly assumes someone is taking about him. I mean, hell, Spike Lee is talking about Trump even if he doesn’t say his name. But if there’s any doubt who Spike Lee is talking about, it’s Trump who erases it.   

Let’s parse what Trump said because there I some racist dog whistle shit in there. 

Be nice if Spike Lee could read his notes

In a hurry to move on before being played off, Spike stumbled over a few words in his written remarks. Yep, Li’l Donnie who reads at a 2nd grade level, is belittling Spike Lee’s ability to read.

or better yet not have to use notes at all

And this questions  Spike’s intelligence to speak without written remarks which is a carry over from Trump making fun of Barack Obama for using a teleprompter.

when doing his racist hit on your President

Trump loves to accuse African Americans of racism. There was nothing in Spike Lee’s remarks that were explicitly or implicitly a call for hatred or violence against white people. And there goes Trump with that “your President” bullshit again. Gotta make sure the black man knows you’re in charge, right? Right out of the racists’ play book. 

who has done more for African Americans (Criminal Justice Reform, Lowest Unemployment numbers in History, Tax Cuts,etc.) than almost any other Pres!


In reverse order:

        Tax Cuts mostly went to the wealthiest people (who are predominantly white)

       Lowest Unemployment (they’re down for everybody, numb nuts, and even at that, black unemployment is still disproportionately higher than the general population)

      Criminal Justice Reform (the Senate’s been working on that shit for years and you only signed off on it because you needed to be seen at your Playskool desk with your box of crayons signing something and Jared Kushner was starting to really get on your nerves).  

Once again, our Moron In Chief takes the low road when he could’ve…well, just shut the fuck up for a change.

And kudos to Spike Lee for his first Oscar win and his class act in accepting the award.

But thumbs down on the hostile petulance on display when Green Book won Best Picture.

Man, I feel ya. I totally agree that Green Book is NOT the year’s best picture.

Me, I’m still pissed Mary Poppins Returns wasn’t even nominated.


If I may, let me end this post on a quasi-positive note. In attendance at the Oscars Sunday night was actress Selma Blair. Selma has multiple sclerosis, a degenerative neurological disease for which there is at present no known cure.  But she hasn't let the disease stop her yet as she cut quite the beautiful and dashing figure at the awards ceremony.

 The cane is not for show; Selma does need it to help her support herself and to walk. 

But that photo is so striking, so hauntingly beautiful. 

Way to go, Selma Blair! Show everybody how it's done! You're not beaten yet! 


OK, three days of posts on the subject of the Oscars is about maybe three days too many.

Hey, can you believe it's been a couple of weeks since my last Doctor Who post? Let's fix that tomorrow.

Until next time, remember to be good to one another.  

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