Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Random Posting (and Elizabeth Random Too!)

Hi there! Welcome to I'm So Glad My Suffering Amuses You, the Godzilla of blogs! 

Actually this blog is nothing like a large mutated reptilian mega monster that's the star of this past weekend's #1 movie. 

OK, forget I mentioned Godzilla. 

Dave-El here to address the question that has been asked by...well, no one, really, but what the hell's been up with the blog lately? Today is the 20th of May and this is only my 10th blog post for the month which is a bit off my normal pattern. What gives? 

I'm not sure what gives. Yeah, I've had some health stuff going on. Nothing too serious, mostly relating to seasonal allergies and the sinus crap I have to deal with somewhere between the middle of April and the middle of May every damn year. Here's what I had to say about that on Twitter.  

 May 11
My sinuses are pounding like a...like a...really large....poundy sort of thing. Crap! Metaphors off line! Gotta lie down awhile.
Good news: My sinus infection will not kill me. Bad news: My sinus infection will not kill me.

The conventional wisdom that men are stronger than women is, at least to me, bullshit. Women can pop out babies! Me, I get an aching in my nose and I'm disappointed it WON'T kill me because the alternative of living WITH it is less appealing. Trust me, free birth control would be part of every medical plan if men had to give birth. 

So the lesson here is I'm a total wuss. Still, allow me some sympathy here in that writing stupidity like this is my respite from the pressures of life. And when there's pressure on the sinuses which are distressingly right next to the brain, it's hard to be clever or amusing or whatever it is I allegedly am.  

Occasional piece of nonsense pops out and finds it's way onto Twitter. For example, someone post this on Twitter.  

Believe it or not, I got a couple of favorites and retweets out of that as well as my retort to the following Tweet: 

Writing my own obituary was a pretty interesting experience, I have to say.

My obituary includes the line "the body was never recovered" to allow for a surprise return in a future episode.

I have to admit, I thought that was kind of clever. Kind of nice for some other people to think so to. 

I'm still weirded out when something I say on Twitter gets acknowledged.  There's this phenomenon that's akin to singing to the radio in your car.  You assume a sense of privacy that cannot be justified while sitting in public in a vehicle surrounded by see through glass. Yet there's a unexpected shock when you realize someone's watching you groove to "Happy". 


The other day, one of my followers posted something relating to Afterlife With Archie.  

Over at Archie Comics, comic readers have been given something that no one...and I mean NO ONE...would've ever anticipated a few years ago. 

Riverdale is overrun by zombies and Archie and the gang must get all "Walking Dead" if they hope to survive. 

It's been a starting series with not just ugly zombie massacre stuff going on but apparently there is at least one incestuous relationship that's been going on under our noses. Heavy stuff for an Archie comic, huh? 

One of my followers on Twitter posted the following:  
Another terrifying issue of Afterlife with Archie. Cant wait to read the next arc!

I tell you, artist Francesco Francavilla can do no wrong. I haven't seen a comic book this guy has illustrated that doesn't look good. This guy is a master of the comic art form. 

Still, I wondered a bit about Betty's expression in the above artwork which led to this tweet: 

Betty looks like she's thinking, "I bet under that bright red hair is one delicious brain!"
May 14

6:38 PM - 14 May 2014 ·

If Betty Cooper might be a zombie, what about Veronica Lodge? Veronica's too rich and class conscious to become a mere zombie. Veronica's more the vampire type. 


Not sure what this picture (which I found here) is all about....

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...but this Whovian posted what, of course, every Whovian would say upon seeing such a picture. 

This is a reference to the 9th Doctor 2 parter written by Steven Moffat, "The Empty Child", with the creepy boy with the gas mask face going around asking random people if they are his "mummy". The 10th Doctor makes a call back to this in the Sontaran two parter when he dons a gas mask. 

I may be a big time Doctor Who fan but I decided to go with a more obvious and less Who-centric joke. 

'Cause, you see, they look like horses. 


"Are you my mummy?" 


Well, that's enough random nonsense for today. Whenever I indulge in randomness like this, I like to name check "Elizabeth Random", a character from one of my all time favorite movies, "Bringing Up Baby".  Here's a scene with Mrs. Random (portrayed by May Robson) confronting Cary Grant's character. 

If you're wondering what Cary's doing in a frilly house coat, perhaps he just "decided to go gay all of a sudden". (And to understand that reference, just watch the movie. You'll love it!) 


So what's coming up next on the blog? 

Tomorrow it's a NEW edition of Comics Blah Blah Comics as I stumbled headlong into the subject of diversity in comic books. What does this middle aged white guy have to say about diversity? Find out tomorrow and see if I can avoid Cliven Bundy/Donald Sterling levels of humiliation. 

Thursday I introduce a new recurring featuring in the spirit of The Internet Is For Corn and The Adventures of Knock-Knock, the Interrupting Cow. In short, it's a new STUPID recurring feature I like to call... It Came Through Bruce Wayne's Window

Friday sees another installment of Broken News. Yes, you see that as a threat but I view it as a promise, a promise to deliver a witty and insightful look at the news and it's impact on our society, a promise that I swear by all that's holy that I will more than likely break as I usually do each Friday.  

And there's more to come after that.  Thank you for your time, your patience and your attention. 

And as always, be good to one another.

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