Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Batman and the Case of the Mysterious Art

My daughter Randie is an art major. She is a very talented artist with a keen eye who can grasp the nuances and intricacies of art.

So she texted me about this item from The Batman's Grave#9. Let's see if you can spot the interesting thing that Randie's discerning eye was able to notice. 

Remember my daughter is a talented artist in training for a career in art. So don't knock yourself if you don't spot this right away.  

Careful now, it's kind of subtle. 

Open your eyes, see the art.

Open your soul, feel the art.


Take your time. Think about it.

See the source image


That's right.

Where the hell is Batman's chin? 

I know Bryan Hitch can be a bit dicey on meeting monthly deadlines but is leaving off whole parts of anatomy to save time? 

Bryan swears the chin was there when he drew it and provided the following page of art to prove it. 

Well, yep, the Batman's chin is there. 

It seems colorist Alex Sinclair is getting thrown under the bus for this one.  

"Seems to have been a mishap during colouring we all missed! This was Alex cropping in the mind map from the previous page to make things easier for both of us." 

My reaction to that is, "Huh? What?" 

I'll see if that makes sense to Randie.  

"Cropping in the mind map"? Is that some kind of drug reference? 

I kind of like that idea that Bruce Wayne is made invisible but suits up as Batman anyway. 

Robin: "Holy transparencies, Batman! You're completely see through! You can't go out like that! 

Alfred: "I must concur with Master Robin, sir. You should remain in the Bat-Cave until your invisible status is reversed."

Batman: "No, Robin, Alfred! I have a duty to the citizens of Gotham City! My oath as a crimefighter is not superseded by invisibility!" 

Robin: "Gosh, Batman, when you put it that way..." 

It's kind of like those madcap scenarios that happened to Batman back in the 1950's like Batman becomes a giant or an alien or a baby.

No, I'm not making that up. 

This kind of shit happened to Batman a lot back in the 1950's.   Compared to an invisible chin...

...there are worse fates that can befall the Caped Crusader.  

Robin: "Holy infancy, Batman! You've been transformed into a baby! You can't go out like that! 

Alfred: "I must concur with Master Robin, sir. You should remain in the Bat-Cave until your infant status is reversed."

Batman: "No, Robin, Alfred! I have a duty to the citizens of Gotham City! My oath as a crimefighter is not superseded by my infancy!" 

Robin: "Are you fucking kidding me! You're a baby, for Christ's sake!" 

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