Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Tuesday TV Touchbase: Umbrella Academy, Stargirl, Jeopardy & the Weather Channel

Once again we are back with the weekly post where I answer the question no one is asking, 

"What the heck is Dave-El  watching on TV?"

The Umbrella Academy 
Season 2 of The Umbrella Academy dropped on Netflix last week. My daughter Randie and I have been watching 2 episodes a night. 

Next week, I will post a detailed analysis of the 2nd season of The Umbrella Academy. 

But a bit of a spoiler for now. The team does survive the moon crashing into the Earth. Five is able to teleport the whole team to an alleyway in Dallas, TX in the 1960s so good work under stress, Five. 

OK, there is a bit of a glitch. Yes, the whole team is in the same alley way in Dallas, TX in the 1960s. But not the same 1960s. Klaus appears in the alley in 1960, Allison in 1961, Luther in 1962. The rest of the team pops up at various points in 1963.

(I might have my arrival times a bit confused. I'm writing this from memory and I'm reluctant to check any resources for the exact dates since I haven't finished season 2 but others have already binged the whole damn thing while I'm trying to avoid spoilers.) 

The last one to arrive is Five on November 25, 1963. His siblings are fighting an invading army from the Soviet Union while nuclear missiles rain fiery death from above.

Holy crap! We have ourselves another apocalypse!

More deets on Umbrella Academy's 2nd season in next week's Tuesday TV Touchbase. 

Courtney's world took a weird turn when she is forced to confront the information that Starman was not her father. Instead her father is some dude named Sam Curtis who is a shiftless ne're do well. 

After the death of Henry King Jr by his own father, Brainwave, this blow to Courtney's understanding of her connection to the legacy of Starman eradicates her self confidence to the point where the cosmic staff no longer responds to her control.  

There is a suggestion to the viewer that Courtney's connection to the staff may be mechanical, vis a vie the locket she kept around her neck since she was a child. 

Courtney realizes that Sam Curtis is not only her father but also has no intention to being a part of her life. He's there to con her out of the locket which he says he can sell for a lot of money. Totally dejected, she relinquishes the locket to Sam. 

True to form, Sam is off. Before he can leave Blue Valley, Pat Dugan catches up to him and punches him in the face. 

If the locket was ever a thing to help Courtney use the cosmic staff, she doesn't need it now. 

(Which by the way is never brought up in the show at all. No one notices that "Hey, since you gave up the locket, the cosmic staff don't do shit." ) 

With support from Pat as well as her mother Barbara (who is in the loop now), Courtney is able to summon up the courage and the confidence to have the cosmic staff respond to her once more. 

Apparently, Courtney just needed some mermaid magic. 

See the source image

We're going to need all the power the good guys can get. Brainwave's memories have been restored and he remembers who Stargirl is and Icicle has targeted Courtney and her family for death. 

Stargirl and her fellow young heroes may be getting some extra help. School janitor Justin has had his eggs scrambled something fierce, muddying up his memory as the Shining Knight, a former partner to Pat Dugan's Stripsey in the Seven Soldiers of Victory. (Yes, we know there are 8 people in the photo.) Pat tries as gently as possible to nudge Justin back to his memories as the Shining Knight. 

Meanwhile, the Injustice Society is closing in on launching Project New America which will scramble the brains of nearly half of the United States. 

We've got two episodes left of season 1. I'll write up a season wrap up for Stargirl in the Tuesday TV Touchbase about 2 weeks from now.  

Last week the Jeopardy producers pulled episode from the vault featuring celebrities.  The first one featured Regis Philbin; the timing was poignant with Regis having just passed away the weekend before. It was classic Regis, mining frustrations with the buzzer for laughs. 

My daughter Randie inquired as to what was the deal with Regis Philbin. That is a question that is both complicated and actually quite simple. He wasn't an actor or a singer or any other specifically defined talent. He was a person with the singular ability to make being himself entertaining. He was good at putting guests at ease and connecting with viewers watching TV from home. 

Regis Philbin was extraordinarily good at being Regis Philbin.

It was great to see him in his prime on Celebrity Jeopardy. 

The Weather Channel 
Andrea and I were watching hurricane Isaias makes landfall in North Carolina.  Specifically, we watching hurricane Isaias makes landfall on top of Jim Cantore. 

As the winds of the hurricane slammed full force into him, Jim stood his ground against the coming storm, crouching, squatting, whatever it took to keep his feet firmly planted on the ground as Isaias came ashore with 85 MPH winds. 

Half of me kept urging this damned fool to go inside. The other half wanted to see how long Jim Cantore would hold out before Isaias pitched him into rain battered night sky. 

It's wind and it's wet. Seriously, I get it. But if the winds of Isaias do throw you into the sky, have the presence of mind to go "Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!" 

That's all for now. Until next time, stay safe, remember to be good to one another and keep it down, would ya, I'm trying to watch some TV here. 

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