Monday, August 24, 2020


Back on July 20th, I posted about my unhealthy obsession with a word game app called Word Crush.  And I did so again on August 10th.  

I noted my obsession was less about playing the game than winning the weekend Word Crush tournament.  

I have had to settle for my Word Crush avatar, first MasterWyrdByrd and now DoctorWyrdByrd, to come in at best for 2nd place. 

But I was not satisfied with a mere 2nd place. 

NAY! I say thee NAY to a 2nd place finish in the weekend Word Crush tournament!  

NO! I expect, NO, I demand that which will only satisfy that the WyrdByrd would be BEST in ALL the WORLD!!!!

And I have done it! 

Yes, you prattling, mewling mortals, DoctorWyrdByrd stands atop the rankings at the end of 48 hours! DoctorWyrdByrd has taken that which mine by right, by virtue of my superiority of the crushing of many, many words!!!! 

At the end of the the weekend Word Crush tournament effective August 23rd, DoctorWyrdByrd stands in glorious TRIUMPH!!!!

DoctorWyrdByrd stands SUPERIOR to all!!!!

From atop a mountain of the crushed skulls of mine enemies, DoctorWyrdByrd is the WORD CRUSHER VICTORIOUS!!!!!

My name is DoctorWyrdByrd, king of Word Crush:

Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!!!!!!

As King Arthur claimed divine right to rule all of Great Britain by hoisting aloft Excalibur, I shall claim through this victory in Word Crush  that DoctorWyrdByrd has been granted by GOD sovereignty over all of you!!!!! 

Why yes, I will ACCEPT the Republican nomination for President!!!!!

HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! 

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