Wednesday, February 24, 2021

A Pandemic Milestone

 A few days ago, the United States reached a tragic milestone with 500,000 deaths due to COVID-19.

One half of a million Americans dead. 

Unlike the previous occupant of the White House, President Biden gives a damn about that. 

It did seem to me that when the death toll reached 480,000, it took awhile to reach the 500,000 mark. Perhaps this might suggest the rate of death is slowing down? That's just my perspective, my hope. Your mileage may vary.   

The vaccine roll out continue but has been hampered by inclement winter weather across the country. 

Also, it appears that Biden did not inherent a bad vaccine roll out plan from the Trump administration. Biden instead found NO vaccine roll out plan so Biden's team essentially had to start from scratch. 

Whenever I go out in the world, most people I see are wearing masks. Perhaps reality is starting to win out over ideology. Again, my perception. I know there are still too many who resist the vary basic decent action of wearing a mask in public. 

It bears remembering that this tragic mark of half a million dead could possibly been avoided with smarter leadership, more honest and more compassionate from the start. 

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