Friday, February 19, 2021

The Lying Fuck Bastard Goes On Vacay!

 Texas is in the middle of a crisis. 

Trapped in the grip of a winter storm of epic proportions while the state's power grid is barely functioning or totally down, the people of Texas are facing a devastating situation of life threatening consequences. 

It's in times like these that leaders need to step up, to provide at best real solutions but at the very least project some damn empathy for those in harm's way. 

Or they can flee to Cancun, Mexico. 

Which brings us to our favorite lying fuck bastard.  

Ted Cruz headed to Mexico during his state's time of crisis. He blamed his kids.

“Like millions of Texans, our family lost heat and power, too,” Cruz said. Because his daughters’ school was canceled due to the weather, Cruz and his wife, Heidi, decided to allow them to take “a trip with friends."

“Wanting to be a good dad, I flew down with them last night and am flying back this afternoon." 

So not only is Ted Cruz fleeing Texas during their time of crisis, he is also condoning nonessential travel during the ongoing threat of the coronavirus pandemic.  

Ted Cruz is... c'mon, say it with me!

A lying fuck bastard.  

Now let's be realistic. There's probably not a hell of a lot that a US Senator can actually do to alleviate anyone's suffering in a time of crisis. 

But at least act like you give a goddamn fuck about the constituents who profess to represent during that time of crisis when people in Texas are literally dying. 

Flying off to Cancun, Mexico is a giant "fuck you" to the people of Texas.  

Cruz was well-aware of the danger to his constituents and even advised them not to go out. As he said in a radio interview, “If you can stay home, don’t go out on the roads. Don’t risk the ice. We could see up to 100 people lose their lives this week in Texas, so don’t risk it. Keep your family safe. Just stay home and hug your kids.”

Or hug them in Cancun, you know, or whatever.  

The Texas Democratic Party chair Gilberto Hinojosa issued this statement: “Ted Cruz jetting off to Mexico while Texans remain dying in the cold isn’t surprising, but it is deeply disturbing and disappointing. Cruz is emblematic of what the Texas Republican Party and its leaders have become: weak, corrupt, inept and self-serving politicians who don’t give a damn about the people they were elected to represent. They were elected by the people but have no interest or intent of doing their jobs.”

As the Democratic Party went on the attack, the Republican Party came to defense of Ted Cruz.

Right-wing talk radio host Erick Erickson: “The fact that people think Ted Cruz, a United States Senator, can do anything about a state power grid, even his own, is rather demonstrative of the ignorance of so many people who cover politics."  

Dan Isett, a conservative Texas communicator: “If you’re big mad he took his kids on vacation, you’re just a partisan hack." 

Jeffrey Blehar, the co-host of National Review’s “Political Beats” podcast: “What’s he supposed to do, fly to Texas to freeze in solidarity or something?” 

Right-wing pundit Ben Shapiro:  "The situation in Texas is not a real-time crisis that Ted Cruz, the senator from Texas, can do anything about. Do they expect Ted to go there with, like, a blowtorch and start defrosting all of the pipelines?” 

Dinesh D’Souza, conservative crank, racist and conspiracy theorist:   “What could [Ted Cruz] do if he were here in Texas? I’m hard-pressed to say. If he’s in Cancun, that means he’s not using up valuable resources of energy, food and water that can now be used by someone else. This is probably the best thing he could do for the state right now.”

It seems that primary takeaway from this is that Ted Cruz is useless and might as well go to Cancun.  

Oh and one more thing: Ted Cruz is... c'mon, you know the drill...

A lying fuck bastard.  

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