Thursday, February 25, 2021

Another Me

Back on Thursday, January 28, 2021, I wrote of a debacle involving a curbside pick up for food at a certain restaurant.  I have been back a couple of times for subsequent curbside orders.  I am a forgiving kind of kind but mostly it's my wife Andrea's favorite place to eat and me giving in to get food from there just saves me a lot of this:

"What do you want to eat? I don't know. What do you want?"
"What do you want to eat? I don't know. What do you want?"
"What do you want to eat? I don't know. What do you want?"

This past Saturday there was a bit of a glitch in getting my order.  

As it says in the banner for this blog, I am Dave-El which is the true Kryptonian name of alleged Earth creature David Long. 

Outside of this blog, I tend to conduct my life using the name of my alleged Earth creature status. 

In the Piedmont Triad area of North Carolina where I reside, there are about a dozen people named David Long. It is remarkable the circumstances where I might run into another David Long. 

I'm in my car outside this restaurant for my curbside order. A waitress approaches my car. She's carrying a bag which looks a bit larger than I am expecting. 

I've been doing this for awhile and I've come to recognize what a bag with food for two people looks like. 

I pull up my mask and roll down my window as the waitress approaches. She says, "Are you David Long?"

"Yes, I am!" 

"Thank you for waiting. I have your order." 

"Miss, could you check that receipt for me?"

She reads off some stuff I did not order and yep, that bag has about maybe 4 plates of food in there.

"That's not my order." 

The waitress furrows her brow a bit at this. 

"You're David Long?" 

"Yes, but that's not what I ordered." Then I told her what Andrea and I had ordered.  

The waitress apologized and said she would check into this. As she started to head inside, something on the receipt caught her eye. Then she hurried to another vehicle in another curbside pickup parking spot. 

She gave that person her food delivery. Then she hurried inside and momentarily returned to my car with my correct food order. 

"I'm so sorry for the mix up before. It seems you were not the only David Long out here."

I told her I understood. With about 12 David Longs in the same area, it's bound to happen from time to time.

Right now on the planet Earth, there are 7,846,065,758 people. Even if I'm a one in a million type of guy, there are 7,856 people just like me. 

And half of them are named David Long.  

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