Monday, March 8, 2021

Pandemic's Progress

 This weekend, my daughter Randie got her first shot of the COVID-19 vaccine.  Her job in a cafe makes her an essential worker. 

My wife Andrea and I are up next in the roll out of the vaccine here in North Carolina.  I think I our turn is coming 'round in about 2 or 3 weeks. 

For the first time since this whole mess began, it seems like the end of the coronavirus pandemic may be in sight.  

Granted, we're not there yet. But we're getting there. 

As long as somebody doesn't screw this up. 

Like Gov. Abbott of Texas. 

Last week, he decided to rescind all mask requirements and open up all businesses 100%. 

Yes, there are vaccines but not everyone has gotten one yet. 

Yes, there has been some decline in the numbers of infections and deaths but a lot of people are still sick and a lot of people are still dying. 

Abbott's decision to drop mask mandates and social distancing is declaring victory in a war that isn't over and taking away the biggest tools in reaching the victory. 

Abbott's not the only one being reckless. Other states have rushed to end their mask and distancing measures including our neighbor to the south, South Carolina. 

When I was a kid growing up along the North Carolina/South Carolina border, I had this joke.

"What do people in South Carolina like to do on a Friday night? Throw sticks of dynamite at North Carolina." 

"And what do people in North Carolina like to do on a Friday night? Light them and throw them back!" 

South Carolina ain't that bright. So the governor of South Carolina prematurely lifting mask and distancing requirements does not come as shock. 

And all these politicians rushing to declare victory in a war that hasn't been won yet? All Republicans. 

For a political party that like to brag about being conservatives, this approach to managing the pandemic is anything but conservative. 

The approach here in North Carolina has been measured and methodical. It's not always perfect and there are people who have complained but I feel our state has moved more often in the right direction than not. And Gov. Cooper has done this with a Republican legislature that has been kicking and screaming every step of the way.  

But there is, at long last, an end in sight. It is an end that lies before us and not as Gov. Abbott and others would behave, in our rear view mirror.  

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