Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Think, Re-Think and Hate

Recently, Gates McFadden was exercising...

Ahem! Her right of free speech specifically on the subject of the electoral college when she had to deal with this comment. 

I'm not going to debate the merits of the Electoral College. I mean, Alexander Hamilton thought it was a good idea at the time but he also expressed that the Constitution was not some sacred document but could stand to do with, to coin Gates' phrase, "some rethinking".  

I want to address the part of TrekTodd's response I highlighted above.  

Why is it always the go-to for people on the political right to immediately accuse the other side in a debate of hating something? 

It happens all the time. Those on the political right will accuse the other side of hating freedom, hating democracy, hating religion, hating America. 

The political right lacks faith in their own convictions. When strict adherence to a political ideology runs into situations where that ideology is called into question, the default setting of American conservatives is to assert their love of America. 

And what better way to bolster one's love than to accuse the other side of hate. 

"I'm against a minimum wage increase because I LOVE America! And you want to increase the minimum wage because you HATE America!" 

No, it doesn't make sense but hell, it plays well on Fox News. 

Going back to Gates McFadden, her questions about the Electoral College do not constitute a level of hate.  But when the winner of the Electoral College is not the choice of the majority of voters (as has happened twice), it makes sense to consider the institution might be due "some rethinking".

I bet that if the winner of the Electoral College who was not the choice of the majority of voters was a Democrat, you can be damn sure TrekTodd would be open to "some rethinking".

Or would he just HATE the Electoral College? 


By the way, I pulled this from Twitter a few months ago when another Star Trek actor ran up against some disagreement with his stated views. 

I think it is important for everyone, including performers, to be able to exercise.

...their right to free speech.  

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