Monday, October 24, 2022

The Lord God Donnie's Work

Today it was my intention to not post about Donald Trump and turn towards those seeking to continue the Lord God Donnie's work.  

Like maybe put down in words some thoughts about Herschel Walker, the black former football star who is the Republican nominee for US Senate from Georgia.  

What is his deal anyway? Well, how can I put this politely?



I can't.  

Herschel Walker is a fucking moron. 

Now I almost feel a little bad for being that harsh. Walker has had some self-admitted issues with mental health and as a football player has probably taken one too many hits to the head. It may not Herschel Walker's fault that he is a fucking moron. 

But there he is, a legitimate Republican nominee for the US Senate so whatever the reason, the fact is Herschel Walker is a fucking moron. 

  • His solution for the high cost of insulin to treat diabetes? People ought to eat right.  
  • He waves around a toy badge and says it shows he's a member of law enforcement.  He ain't. 
  • He says he's run several hospitals. He hasn't.  
  • He's parroted a hard right position on abortion, that no one can get one for no reason no how. Yes, there is proof he paid a girlfriend to have an abortion. 
  • He's a hard core pro-family values guy even as everyone has lost count of the kids he's fathered out of wedlock and has ignored.  

So far, Herschel Walker is polling behind Democratic Senator Raphael Warnock but not as much as you would think. 

Herschel Walker's staunch evangelical base, you know the ones who think it's a fun day out with the kids to scream at Pride parade that everyone there is going to hell, are prepared to "forgive" Herschel Walker because everyone makes mistakes, right? 

And besides that, the overriding concern is to vote against the damn liberals who hate America and are driving us over a cliff into the flaming pits of hell.   

How did Herschel Walker even get to be the Republican candidate for US Senate in the first place? 

Mostly thanks the imprimatur of Donald Trump as Herschel Walker was more than willing and eager to endorse Trump's big election lie.  

And he's black. 

Occasionally, Republicans like to run a black guy up the ol' flag pole on the myopic idea that black people vote for "their own kind" which is a way to get black people to vote for a Republican instead of a Democrat.  

And actual qualifications don't really matter. He's black, right? Box checked. And if that sounds racist as fuck, well, it is and welcome to how little the Republican Party (and especially under Trump) actually gives a fuck about African Americans.  

It's the same logic that went endorsing Kanye West running for President a few years back, that it would at least peel off black voters from Joe Biden. 

Yes, that meant Kanye was running against Trump as well but hell, Trump doesn't gives a fuck about African Americans and probably just wrote them off anyhow. 

Kanye is still one of Trump's favorite people.   

Kanye West was in trouble last week for sending an antisemitic Tweet with violent connotations.  

And Trump wandered into the antisemitism minefield by threatening Jews to be more supportive of him because of all he did for Israel. Which puts American Jews in the crosshairs of antisemitic white nationalist MAGA heads who think American Jews are more loyal to Israel than America. 

No less than Alan Dershowitz, Trump supporting Jewish attorney, has tried to tell Li'l Donnie to cut that shit out because it's bad but Li'l Donnie don't listen to nobody.  

Damn it, Li'l Donnie helped Israel. Jews should be happy. What more does he need to do? 

Meanwhile, we have more news about Donald Trump's sketchy shit.

Could I be more specific? Which sketchy shit?

  • Instigating an insurrection against the government sketchy shit?
  • Trying to overturn the legitimate results of the 2020 election sketchy shit?
  • Defrauding taxpayers with false valuations of his properties sketchy shit? 
  • Illegally holding on the government documents at his residence sketchy shit?

Yep, that one!   

According to the Washington Post,  details about Iran’s missile program and American intelligence work aimed at China were among the most “highly sensitive” information Donald Trump had stashed at Mar-a-Lago compound.  

Mar-a-Lago is a resort that draws hundreds of unscreened members and guests to parties, fundraisers and wedding receptions at a facility maintained by unscreened groundskeepers and cleaners. One of the document storage areas was near a pool open to all members.   

Here's what Peter Strzok, former deputy assistant director of counterintelligence at the FBI, had to say about this:  “Any competent foreign intelligence service, whether those belonging to China, those belonging to Iran, to Cuba, certainly including Russia are ... and were interested in gaining access to Mar-a-Lago.” 

By the way, going back to the sketchy shit involving the insurrection and overturning the election, the January 6th committee did subpoena Donald Trump like they said they would. 

Fighting that will keep Li'l Donnie busy.

And he's got people like Herschel Walker looking to help him keep up Lord God Donnie's work. 

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