Friday, January 31, 2025

Your Friday Video Link: The Senseless Things Of Simone Giertz

I recently had an opportunity to see a TED Talk presented by Simone Giertz. Heretofore unknown to me, apparently Simone is a You Tube sensation known for building, well, stupid stuff, senseless inventions. 

Well, stupid and senseless they may be but ain't it fun?

Your Friday Video Link is to Simone Giertz's TED Talk. OK, it's a quarter hour of your time but I do highly recommend it.  

We've also got some really short videos of Simone Giertz demonstrating her lipstick applying and popcorn eating machines. 

And this one is a bit longer. It's both funny and sad.  We present Simone Giertz  and her  "Proud Parent" Machine

Simone Giertz  is a wonder and an inspiration.  

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Dave-El’s Spinner Rack: Superman's Phantom Menace

Welcome to Dave-El’s Spinner Rack where I post about comic books I have purchased.


Today’s post is about 12 weekly issues of Action Comics with Superman dealing with a crisis originating in the Phantom Zone.  Written by Mark Waid with art by Clayton Henry with Michael Shelfer & colorist Matt Herms. 

The story is epic in scope ranging from the towers of Metropolis to the snowy Artic base of the Fortress of Solitude, into the Phantom Zone and excursions to space and across time. 

A sinister plot is afoot to make the Phantom Zone a place of solid matter out of the ethereal ghostly nothingness of the zone. Making something from nothing takes enormous power, power that is being drawn from Earth's sun.  

A plan to stop that scheme has an unfortunate side affect of releasing all the Phantom Zone villains en masse, dominating Earth and ranging out into space.  

Superman makes a side trip back in time where he winds up on Krypton just before it blows up. Superman gets to spend time with Jor-El and learns some stuff he didn't know about his Kryptonian father.

Superman had been led to believe that Jor-El discovered the Phantom Zone and was appointed it's jailer, consigning Kryptonion criminals to the Zone for imprisonment. Well, Superman was half-right. Jor-El did discover the Zone but was against using it as a prison, citing it as overtly cruel and punitive. The Science Council thinks using the Zone for a prison is a really cool idea.  

Superman gets back to the present to just in time to help save Earth's sun and deal with the mass Phantom Zone jailbreak.  

The cast is stacked with the Superman family members such as Supergirl, Superboy (Conner Kent), the other Superman (son Jon Kent), Power Girl, Super-Man (the Superman of China) and Mon-El.   

There's a Supergirl back up serial called "Universe's End" written by Mariko Tamaki and illustrated by Skylar Partridge and 

quite frankly I did not understand anything that happened in that storyline.  At all. I hate to think I'm losing my comic book sensibilites in my old age but the Supergirl serial left me completely lost.  

Overall I enjoyed Mark Waid's epic has he made full use of the Superman mythology from whatever counts as current continuity as well as nods to all that is gone before. 

Next time around the Spinner Rack: more Mark Waid with Batman & Robin and Justice League.    

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

"That Guy" In the Ladies' Loo

I feel compelled to put down some words over the events of last week when Lauren Bolbert and Nancy Mace were all fired up on their mission from GOD to protect their hallowed ground from the menace of…


That guy!


“That guy” is Sarah McBride, a congresswoman from Delaware who is trans gender.  Rep. McBride has been subject to all sorts of bullying and petty acts of retribution. 


Mace pushed for and Speaker Mike Johnson approved a House regulation that House restrooms are restricted to those who identify when the gender of their birth. 


Mace, Bolbert and others like them have gone out of their way to harass and disrespect the duly elected representative from Delaware by dead naming and mis gendering her.  Such as referring to McBride as “that guy”.  


Which led to last week’s comedy of errors when Bolbert went into a tizzy of a snit of a fit when she spotted “that guy” in the ladies’ restroom.  


Bolbert informed a Capitol security officer of the offense and took Mace with her to confront “that guy” in the ladies’ loo.  


Afterwards according to witnesses, 4 women exited the restroom, none of whom were Sarah McBride.   


Bolbert said, “I apologized, learned a lesson, and it won’t happen again.”

Meanwhile, Sarah McBride who has just been availing herself of the private bathroom in her congressional office, said the incident was completely predictable.

I think it's funny as hell that a person who is trying to fearmonger that Sarah McBride is some kind of "other", a threat to the moral fiber of the nation or some bullshit like that can't tell the difference between a cisgender woman and a transgender woman. 

Well, I can laugh about that but there is fuck all else to find amusing.

Trump signed an executive order related to “eliminating gender radicalism in the military” towards banning on transgender people from serving in the U.S. military.

Li'l Donnie also signed an executive order restricting federal funding and support for gender-affirming care for transgender minors and some adults, which he described as harmful and irreversible. The title of the order:  “Protecting Children from Chemical and Surgical Mutilation."

Karoline Leavitt, White House press secretary marked her debut at her first press room briefing by attacking transgender Americans, saying that  Trump’s recent executive order redefining sex as strictly male or female based on birth, eliminating federal recognition of transgender and nonbinary individuals restores “sanity” in the face of “wokeness.”

Yeah, nothing amusing at all.

Although that Bolbert/Mace kerfuffle was funny, yeah? 

Facts Are Hard!

I do not want this blog to become a god damn regular forum about whatever fuckery  Donald Trump is up to but this one is too damn funny to let go by.  


Let’s start with Li’l Donnie who claimed that the military "turned on the water" to fight ongoing wildfires in the Los Angeles area.  

He signed an executive order seeking to get around federal and state laws covering the state's water system to provide enough resources to fight the wildfires. Trump claimed late Monday that troops had already taken action per this post on Truth Social:


"The United States Military just entered the Great State of California and, under Emergency Powers, TURNED ON THE WATER flowing abundantly from the Pacific Northwest, and beyond. The days of putting a Fake Environmental argument, over the PEOPLE, are OVER. Enjoy the water, California!!!"


Ready to start poking holes into this? By all means, let’s do that!      





Trump’s “action” takes place after the fire has been mostly contained.  The fire is still burning and lives and property are still in danger but fire fighters seemed to have gotten a handle on it now.


As for the military coming into California to take action to stop the fire? No, they did not.  The California Department of Water Resources (DWR)  issued a statement that "the military did not enter California.  The federal government restarted federal water pumps after they were offline for maintenance for three days. State water supplies in Southern California remain plentiful."


This is from State Senate pro tem Democrat Mike McGuire:  


"BS Alert!

  • First off, shocker, water from the Pacific Northwest doesn’t flow to the Central Valley. 
  • Second, federal water pumps were down for repair and are now back on.
  • Third, rest assured, the military has not invaded the delta.

Facts are hard."


Facts are hard for people sending imaginary armies everywhere! Did Trump not think we could see if a military force showed up in California? 

Still not done poking! 





The Association of California Water Agencies made this statement: “Water supply has not hindered firefighting efforts.  Reservoirs in California are at or above average storage levels for this time of year, thanks in part to years of proactive water management.”


John Buse, general counsel for the Center for Biological Diversity, had this to say about Donald Trump’s assertions:  "It’s difficult to explain what he’s talking about because…”


Multiple choice on how that sentence ends. Your choices are...


  1. “Donald Trump is so gosh darn smart his wisdom and intellect defy our small limited minds.”


  1. Nobody knows what he’s talking about!”  


I know this is a tough one but come on, just give it a good solid think for a minute and….


YES, it’s option #2!! Of course!!!


Buse says the idea that there’s some valve somewhere that someone needed to turn on to stop the fire is "preposterous.” 

Yeah, man, but you know, facts are hard.  

More stupidity from MAGA central in another post later today.   


Year of the Snake

Happy New Year! 

Per the Chinese calendar.

And this new year is the year of the Snake! 


Andrea who never misses any opportunity to remind herself of her anxiety noted that "year of the snake" seems appropriate given that Donald Trump's in the White House.

Well, normally I guess that would be so but in this case, the snake represents everything Li'l Donnie is not.

By the way, I did not make this graphic but I'm reasonably sure that the word is "clever" and not "cleaver".  

There are two more posts coming up today.

Sorry in advance but they are politically themed.

Thursday I swear will be about comic books. 

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Tuesday TV Touchbase: Outlander

Today’s Tuesday TV Touchbase turns to the end of the 7th season of Outlander. 


Claire got shot and nearly died but didn’t.  The gun shot wound was serious but thankfully there is a talented and skilled surgeon on the scene who can do the job. 

Except that surgeon is Claire.  

Thankfully Denzell is not too bad a surgeon for 17th century training and is able with guidance from his patient to repair the damage. Claire survives but it takes a long time for recovery before she can travel.


She and Jamie are heading back to Fraser’s Ridge in the mountains of the North Carolina. Jamie resigned as a general in George Washington’s army and the revolution will now need to be fought without Jamie since his place is by Claire’s side. 


Meanwhile back in 1739, Roger is reunited with Brianna and their two children who have come back in time from 1980 to escape the evil machinations of Ron Cameron. 


And in 1779, while recovering from her gun shot and surgery, Claire is visited by Master Raymond, the mysterious man who somehow saved Claire’s life when she nearly bled to death when she miscarried her and Jamie’s first daughter, Faith. (That was way back in season 2.)  Raymond gives Claire a warning and a request to be forgiven then vanishes. Was this some kind of fever dream for Claire? Jamie insists no one else had come into the room.   


Meanwhile, William (who recently found out that Jamie is his father and not Lord John Grey) reluctantly seeks Jamie’s help.  Jane, a prostitute that William has fallen in love with, has been arrested for killing British Captain Harkness and will be hanged for the crime. Janie killed Harkness to stop him from violating Jane’s young prepubescent sister Fanny. William and Jamie ride to break Jane out of jail but she has already avoided the hangman’s noose by taking her own life.  

Well, that sucks. 


 Meanwhile, checking in with Ian and Rachel, it seems their frequent sexy times has a baby on the way and they’re going to make a home on Fraser’s Ridge.  But without one long time companion.


Rollo, Ian’s domesticated wolf hound who has been loyal and dedicated to both Ian and Rachel, has (I really don’t want to write this) passed away in his sleep.  

Well.... fuck! 

Of all the people who have died on this damned show, this has got to be hardest death I ever had to deal with.  

This sucks.

Meanwhile, checking back in with....

I don't really care. 

I need a moment.




Ahem! Where were we?  

Meanwhile, Jamie and Claire agree to take Jane's sister Fanny with them to Fraser’s Ridge and raise her as their own. Then Claire discovers information that Fanny’s long lost mother may have been Jamie and Claire’s daughter, Faith?!

Did Faith really not die in France all those years ago? 

If so, what became of her that her children Jane and Fanny were left on their own?

Is this what Master Raymond's cryptic message meant when he "visited" Claire? 

These are questions we will need to address when Outlander returns for it's 8th and final season in about a year. 

Well, that is that for this week's Tuesday TV Touchbase.

Until next time, remember to be good to one another and try to keep it down in there, would ya? I'm trying to watch TV over here.  

And feeling very sad about poor sweet Rollo.   



Monday, January 27, 2025

Are You a Nazi?

As we covered here last week, li'l exciteable boy Elon Musk was overcome with oligarchical giddiness in a speech after Donald Trump's inauguration and made a gesture that looked a lot like a Nazi salute.

This one right here. 

The Anti-defamation League (ADL) decided to give Elon the benefit of the doubt and decided that the gesture was just an unfortunate happenstance and...

Then Elon did not shut the fuck up, made some tasteless jokes about Nazis and Jews and the ADL was all "Well, fuck it, he's a Nazi!" 

Then Elon Musk made a virtual appearance at a rally for the far-right Alternative for Germany party on Saturday and...

Wait! Is that a Hitler mustache?!?!?

OK, that's just the unfortunate placement of someone's flag underneath his nose.  

See the image below and there's no Hitler 'stache! 

So Elon Musk was not sporting a Hitler look. 

But who needs to look Hitleresque when Hitler-like words will do. 

Expressing his support for Alternative for Germany ahead of the country’s Feb. 23 election and telling the crowd that it’s time to “move on” from “past guilt", Elon said the Group is the “best hope for Germany”, “preserve German culture” and “protect the German people.”

Certainly got the Hitler flair, don't it? 

Wait! Elon has more!  

“It’s good to be proud of German culture, German values, and not to lose that in some sort of multiculturalism that dilutes everything."  

Illinois Gov. JB Pritzker, a Democrat, wondered why President Donald Trump has not spoken out against Musk’s remarks.

Well, JB, that's because Li'l Donnie agrees with Elon, you silly goose! 

Is Elon Musk a Nazi?

Is Donald Trump?

Is the Republican Party now a Nazi Party?

Maybe not (possibly) but it is remarkable how well the story of Elon and the GOP fits in with "Springtime For Hitler" from The Producers

Stephen Lynch has a song that might help determine if someone close to you just might be a Nazi. 

I think Elon Musk is just the unfortunate victim of bad timing, some bad choices and some unintended visuals that have the effect of making him appear to be something he's not.



Oh fuck it! I guess Elon's a Nazi!  

Afraid Or Entertained?

Andrea is afraid.

In the 3 plus decades I've known my wife, she is usually afraid of some damn thing or another. 

Andrea is readily predisposed towards fear, paranoia and the worst case scenario.  

During those 3 plus decades, I have taken responsibility to mitigate that fear with facts, common sense and math. 

Sometimes I'm successful.

Sometimes I'm not.

Such as her fear of whatever the hell Donald Trump is going to do next.   

It's kind of difficult to fight fear with facts, common sense and math when the object of fear is immune to such things.  

It is very hard to fight another's fear when I too am fearful. 

After Trump won election back to the Presidency, I have attempted to control my fear of his inept and criminal handling of his office by regarding whatever Trump does as theater.  

If I can detach myself from the very real horrors of Li'l Donnie's Presidency by looking at it as a movie to watch or a TV series to binge, maybe, just maybe I can get through this.

Grab a bag of popcorn and bring it on, bitch!  

Donald Trump is upset that a Christian minister dared to preach a message of mercy and kindness and how dare she speak to him!  

Mercy? Kindness? Who the hell does she think she is?  

Wait! There's more! 

Fox News comes to Li'l Donnie's defense! Really, how DARE she go on a WOKE RANT at the President about....   mercy? Kindness?

Wait! There's more? By all means, show me more!


A congressman suggests that the minister should be deported! 

Well, I think the minister is a legal citizen of the United States merely exercising her first amendment rights to free speech. 

Speaking of mercy and kindness, the fires are still raging in California but Trump says any Federal aid to the state may be contingent on the state instituting a voter ID law.




<I ran out of popcorn>


OK, I'm not sure this is going to work.  

Trump pardoned all the January 6th insurrections including the violent ones?



Trump fired the independent inspectors general of at least 12 major federal agencies that are tasked with rooting out fraud, waste and abuse in the government??



Trump restricts and endangers the lives and liberty of nearly 2 million American citizens with this trans gender executive order???



Am I not entertained????

As much as I want this strategy to work...

There is no way I can sustain this through one blog post let alone through 4 more years.

Andrea is afraid.

And I can't help her.

Because I too am afraid.  

And the alternative involves too much popcorn.  

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Doctor Who Is CLASSIC: The Visitation

We're back with another edition of Doctor Who Is CLASSIC!, my recurring series of posts about Doctor Who episodes from the classic era. 

Today's post takes us back to 1982 with Peter Davison as the 5th Doctor as the TARDIS lands in 17th century England where they have to fend off an alien invasion. This is The Visitation written by Eric Saward which originally aired from February 15 to 23, 1982.

Here's something that doesn't come up a lot in time travel stories to the distant past but it stinks.

Literally. The past smells bad.

There's animal shit everywhere.

And there's the matter of humans who have not discovered deodorant, toilet paper, indoor plumbing and scented soap.

But it even by those standards, it smells really bad when the the Doctor, Nyssa, Tegan, and Adric exit the TARDIS and smell sulphur. 

The Doctor's latest attempt to get Tegan back to Heathrow Airport in the 20th century has bolloxed up and landed them in Hell. 


Local villagers are in a tizzy of a snit that people coming from London might be carrying the plague. So the these strangely dressed visitors might have the plague and must be destroyed.

The Doctor and the gang get help from Richard Mace, a highwayman and self-proclaimed thespian, who leads our intrepid travellers to safely inside a barn. 

Besides the fear of plague, the village is also worked up over the "comet" that landed nearby.  

OK, it's not a comet. That's not how comets work.

Forgive the poor people of the 17th century who have not invented deodorant, toilet paper, indoor plumbing and scented soap.

It's a spaceship inhabited by a Terileptil fugitive who is using alien tech to mind fuck the villagers to do his bidding.  

The Terileptil plan to use rats infected with a genetically enhanced plague to devastate the population and conquer the planet. Getting to point A to point B with this plan involves some fucking around with villagers and using a nearly indestructible android.   

The Terileptil can't be ALL bad. He mind controls Tegan so she doesn't talk anymore. 

So that's on the plus side.  But destroying all human life on 17th century Earth? That's a deal breaker even if means breaking the  Terileptil's hold on Tegan so she can complain about things again. 

Using the TARDIS (which goes where the Doctor wants it to go for once but then he needs to get there, right?), the Doctor, his companions and Mace (who I remind you knows nothing of deodorant, toilet paper, indoor plumbing and scented soap) follow the Terileptil to London where the Terileptil's ray gun weapon starts a fire in the building he's using as a base. 

It's a big old fire that consumes the Terileptil and his mutated plague rats (and over in a corner, a box of imported scented soaps from France? Dammit!).  

The Doctor actually invites Mace to join the TARDIS crew but he elects to stay behind to help fight the fire. Which according to a nearby sign is on Pudding Lane which is where the Great London Fire got it's start according to something I looked up on Wikipedia.  

The serial saw the destruction of the sonic screwdriver, marking the last major appearance of the device until the 1996 TV Movie. John Nathan-Turner wanted the sonic screwdriver gone as it made things to easy for the Doctor. In modern Who, the damn thing is a virtual magic wand. What would JNT think about that?  

A big stand out performance in the story is by Michael Robbins as Richard Mace.  Mace can be as dumb as a 17th century rock at times but he is willing to go with the flow with whatever bizarre shit comes his way while in the company of the Doctor. Robbins makes Mace charming and relatable even when he says 17th century nonsense like "It cannot be from another world because there are no other worlds."  

As always the biggest drag is finding something for the oversized cast to do. Nyssa is sent off to the TARDIS to technobabble up a thingy to take out the Terileptil's android. 

Tegan spends a lot of time mind wiped, staring blankly and doing manual labor for the Terileptil.  

Adric is as always whiny and useless, either getting into or causing trouble. 

Peter Davison stated that The Visitation is one of his three favorite stories from his time on the series and it does provide some good Doctor moments for him to be whimsical and weird but also intense and serious.  

I'm not sure I was very appreciative of The Visitation when it first aired. I recall I was particularly irked by the loss of the sonic screwdriver.  But on re-watching it recently, I like it very much more than I remembered, particularly for the performances of Michael Robbins and Peter Davison. 


Saturday, January 25, 2025

Dave-El's Weekend Movie Post: Road To Utopia

The brutal cold of winter has ye olde Fortress of Ineptitude in it's chilly unyielding grasp as of late.  With temperatures bellow freezing at night and not getting much warmer by day.  

(The cold has also frozen the blog. This post went out live with the old "Cinema Sunday" label. That has been fixed.)  

That reminds me, I need to check on the  I’m So Glad My Suffering Amuses You writing intern.  

P…p…please, s-sir, another l-l-log on the f-fire?"

“ANOTHER log? What?  Do you think I’m made of logs?!?”  


These kids today! Another log, geez!

Anyway,  in the spirit of the icy cold winter,  today's edition of Dave-El's Weekend Movie Post is about a movie that takes place in a very frigid environment.  

We turn to 1946 for another entry in the Bing Crosby/Bob Hope "Road" series, Road To Utopia.  

At the beginning of the 20th century, Bob and Bing play a couple of vaudeville performers who go to Alaska to make their fortune... in GOLD!   

There's GOLD in them thar frozen hills!   

Bob Hope is Chester Hooton and Bing Crosby is Duke Johnson,
 a pair of vaudeville performers who barely stay a step ahead of the audiences they con out of their money and the police who want to arrest them.  

In turn of the century San Francisco, their latest con has run it's course and they need to book it out of town. Chester wants to head east to New York City while Duke wants to go north to Alaska. With a modicum of deception and theft, Duke gets Chester stuck with on the steamer heading north.

Also looking to get out of town are a couple of thugs, McGurk and Sperry just a head of the law on a charge of murder, a heinous act that procured for the homicidal duo a map to a secret gold mine in Alaska.  

Stuff 'n' junk happens as Chester and Duke get into an altercation with McGurk and Sperry, somehow win the fight, gets the map to the gold mine and assumes the identities (and beards) of McGurk and Sperry.   

When is Dorothy Lamour going to show up in this picture?


Dorothy Lamour is Sal van Hoyden who is tracking down the missing map to the gold mine which has led her to a desolate town in Alaska and two men from that area, you guessed it, McGurk and Sperry.  

Sal has entrusted dance hall owner Ace Larson with her mission to find the gold mine. Which is a mistake because he's got his own plans for the mine and they don't involve Sal.  

Chester and Duke show up in town as "McGurk" and "Sperry" where they discover the whole town is scared of their alter egos. They ineptly play into their brutish bully personas to score free food and drinks.  

Sal forces herself to flirt with and seduce first "McGurk" then  "Sperry" to secure the map. Neither of these men can sustain the rough brutish personas they have assumed and Sal suspects something is up.

Then the real McGurk and Sperry show up, NOT in a good mood at all. They want that gold mine NOW!

Ace Larson is losing patience and wants that gold mine NOW!

And the chase is on!  

There's an encounter with Santa Claus and in one scene, a mountain range is replaced with the Paramount Studios logo. 

Since most of these "Road" movies take place in warmer climates and we get some scenes of Dorothy Lamour in a swimsuit, Road To Utopia serves up an hallucination when Chester sees Sal in a provocative one pierce bathing suit.  

The bulk of the story is actually a flashback with the opening and closing acts featuring Bob, Bing and Dorothy in old age make up looking back on their misadventures in Alaska.

Road To Utopia is the one movie where Bob Hope's character gets the girl played by Dorothy Lamour as Chester and Sal are married in their golden years. Well, how much did Bob actually get the girl comes into question when they introduce old Duke to their son, played by a very young looking Bing Crosby.  

Chester looks into the camera and says, "We adopted him."

Road To Utopia is the only "Road" picture without an actual geographic location in the title.  

The movie was filmed from December 1943 to March 1944 but not released until 1946. One theory is that Paramount did not want the silliness of Road To Utopia to jeopardize Bing Crosby's chances at a Best Actor Oscar for his role in the drama Going My Way.  (For which Crosby did win an Oscar.)  

Road To Utopia also had a narrator in the form of humor essayist Robert Benchley providing wry commentary that is interspersed throughout the movie.  I personally found the commentary unnecessary and added nothing to the film.  

In 1947, Road to Utopia received an Academy Award nomination for Best Original Screenplay.

Road to Utopia was a big success both at the box office and with critics.   

The New York Times: "Not since Charlie Chaplin was prospecting for gold in a Hollywood-made Alaska many long years ago has so much howling humor been swirled with so much artificial snow as it is in Road to Utopia which came to the Paramount yesterday."

Variety: "The highly successful Crosby-Hope-Lamour “Road” series under the Paramount banner comes to attention once again in Road to Utopia a zany laugh-getter which digresses somewhat from pattern by gently kidding the picture business and throwing in unique little touches, all with a view to tickling the risibilities."   

Let me check in with the I’m So Glad My Suffering Amuses You writing intern.  Were your risibilities tickled by Road To Utopia?

"M... m... my r... risi.... risibilities are t... too
fr... fr...frozen to... to b... be t... t... tickled."
"You're no fun, you know that?"
"S... sorry to disappoint.  C...c... can we h... have
another l... l... log on the f... fire?"
"Again with the LOG! Your focus should be on the BLOG!" 

What am I doing with an intern anyway? 

Road to Utopia hews close to the Hope/Crosby "Road" picture formula but with enough variations to keep the concept fresh and interesting. It is packed with a bevy of jokes, non sequitors and fourth wall breaking insanity we've come to expect from Bob Hope and Bing Crosby when they're on the road to somewhere. 

Er, how do you dispose of a frozen intern? Not for me, asking for a friend. You know, in case that topic of conversation should come up.  

Dave-El's Weekend Movie Post: The Last of Sheila

  Today's movie post is a very strange and weird murder mystery from 1973 co-written by Stephen Sondheim. (Yes, THAT Stephen Sondheim.) ...