Sunday, January 5, 2025

Doctor Who Is NEW! (..ish): The Proms

Welcome to another post of Doctor Who Is NEW! 

Well, wait a minute, Dave-El! There has not been a new episode since last week's Christmas special.  

OK, you got me.  I'm playing fast and loose with the concept of "new".  

OK, this isn't quite new actually.  It's the complete 2024 Proms for Doctor Who that was performed on August 26, 2024. 

I've seen bits and pieces of this concert over the last few months but a few days ago, someone actually posted the whole damn thing on You Tube.   

So getting to see the Proms as one complete program was a new to me.

It's my blog and I can bend the rules if I want.  

Here is a link to the 2024 Doctor Who proms for as long as this groovy thing might last.  

Always fun to see Catherine Tate still doing Doctor Who stuff.

The program kicks off with  The 15th Doctor's Theme which is still has a recurring spot on my music play list.   

It was cool to see Jinx Monson back at Maestro being a total ham. And we get a live performance of I've Got a Dog? Heck yeah!  

When the 11th Doctor's theme I Am The Doctor kicks off, the audience at the Royal Albert Hall goes completely bonkers.  It's a amazing how strong a hold Matt Smith still has on the fandom.   

The somewhat muted response to the Thirteenth Doctor's Suite was disappointing but sadly not unexpected.  

Anita Dobson shows up at Mrs. Flood.

We're still no closer to knowing what the hell is her deal already.  

Her cheeky reference to her last concert was seeing Queen in 1986 was funny given that Queen's guitarist Brian May is Anita's husband.   

We reach the end with a kick ass performance of the 2024 Doctor Who theme 2024.

Well, not quite the end. Remember, there's always a twist at the end.  

It was cool seeing a Doctor Who proms in it's entirety where I can almost imagine what it would be like to be in the Royal Albert Hall in person surrounded by hundreds of Whovians and a plethora of Doctor Who aliens. 

Something a bit more new, below is a teaser for the next season of Doctor Who.    

Looks like we got a visit to Skaro on the iternerary for the next season so we're getting the return of the Daleks. 

Those evil pepperpots can be overused but I did miss 'em last season.  

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