Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Tuesday TV Touchbase: What We Do In the Shadows

When it comes to the end of a TV series that I like, I am apt to feel sad about it. 

But with the series finale of What We Do In the Shadows, while I am sorry to bid farewell to the gang at the Staten Island vampire residence, I think it is time to go.

A sentiment shared by Taika Waititi who co-wrote the film on which the series was based.

It is also one agreed upon by the documentary crew who have been recording the lives of the gang at the Staten Island vampire residence.   

Guillermo de la Cruz is kind of bummed out by the documentary crew leaving but Nadja doesn't quote see what the fuss is about.  "We'll keep doing what we also been doing.  These guys just won't be here to film it!"  

Laszlo Cravensworth and Colin Robinson are focused on their latest project involving Cravensworth's Monster, a creature assembled from dead human parts and reanimated back to life which is a totally original idea Lazlo had with no connection whatsoever to Frankenstein which Lazlo has never heard of. 

The monster is super horny so Lazlo and Colin have set out to build him a Bride but they need a head and they think the Guide's head might be a good selection but Nandor has been crushing on the Guide lately and he might object. (Not to mention the Guide who keeps getting overlooked anyway.) 

This shit is why the show needed to end. 

When recording the B-roll confession sequence about what they are up to, Colin and Lazlo seem bored (the Monster is just out of the shot wanking off) and the crew seem bored. 

It's the same with Nandor's new obsession to team up with Guillermo to fight crime by night which is a totally original thing Nandor came up with and has nothing to do with Batman & Robin which Nandor has never heard of. 

Nandor really wants to build an underground crime fighting lair accessible from his coffin. 

Guillermo thinks the idea is stupid and Nandor will lose interest eventually like he always does with these things.   

OK, so the vampires are formulaic and repetitive and doing stupid shit over and over again but Guillermo is still stressed out by the documentary crew leaving. 

Again, Nadja points out having a documentary crew is not a big deal and they've been filmed before. She produces a film reel from 1958 that features Nandor, Lazlo, Nadja, Colin (and Jerry the Vampire) doing the same shit they do now.  

If the documentary crew does have to leave, Guillermo thinks the vampire residents owe the documentary a good ending.

Nadja looks direct into the camera and directs the viewer they will now experience the best possible ending they can imagine.

SIDE NOTE: The Best Possible Ending!

When Nadja hypnotizes the viewer into imagining their own "perfect ending", three different versions are seen. Each ending serves as a spoof of Newhart, The Usual Suspects, and Rosemary's Baby

The episode was broadcast three times in a row, with each broadcast showing a different "perfect ending". The original broadcast version is the version seen in streaming, while the other two are seen in the extra tabs in Hulu.

After Nadja's hypnosis whammy (caution: you might be dumber by 10 IQ points), Guillermo delivers an impassioned speech about everything he learned during his time the vampires but but nobody's paying attention because the god damn Monster is fucking the taxidermied bear.

Man, he really is going to town on that bear. Hey, did Guillermo say something?

I know there was some hope in the LGBTQ+ community of Guillermo and Nandor getting together and sorry, no that doesn't happen but Nandor's relationship with Guillermo has evolved from pet/servant to more of a companion/friend. Nandor invites Guillermo to sit with him in his coffin when the vampire reveals...

He has built an underground crime fighting lair accessible from his coffin! 


Look, if you want Nandor and Guillermo in bed together, check out the alternate Newhart ending. Nandor and Guillermo are in bed together and Guillermo kisses Nandor goodnight.  

William Hughes of The A.V. Club wrote about the series finale and I think he sums up things perfectly.

"You want to see story arcs get finished? Go watch “The Promotion” again. 

You need a big action climax? “Come Out And Play” is still sitting right there on Hulu. 

You need these characters to take a moment and acknowledge how, deep down, they really do love each other? Fuck you: This has never been that show, and it's sure as fuck not going to start being that show with just 32 minutes left on the clock. 

“The Finale” is funny, smart, relentless, inventive, and energetic — all those things that have made What We Do In The Shadows such a joy to watch for six years of TV — and if you need it to suddenly be something else, too, what show have we even been watching together?"

What We Do In The Shadows may have stumbled a bit in it's final season but I think the series finale stuck the landing as well as it could.  

As Mark Proksch (Colin Robinson) put it, "A hundred years from now, these idiots will still be in their house going through the exact same motions that they've been going through for 200 or 300 years. And I find that refreshing in some way."

I think I agree with Mark's assessment.  

Next week, the Tuesday TV Touchbase will reflect on the end of Star Trek Lower Decks.

Until next time, remember to be good to one another and try to keep it down in there, would ya? I'm trying to watch TV over here.      

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