Thursday, January 30, 2025

Dave-El’s Spinner Rack: Superman's Phantom Menace

Welcome to Dave-El’s Spinner Rack where I post about comic books I have purchased.


Today’s post is about 12 weekly issues of Action Comics with Superman dealing with a crisis originating in the Phantom Zone.  Written by Mark Waid with art by Clayton Henry with Michael Shelfer & colorist Matt Herms. 

The story is epic in scope ranging from the towers of Metropolis to the snowy Artic base of the Fortress of Solitude, into the Phantom Zone and excursions to space and across time. 

A sinister plot is afoot to make the Phantom Zone a place of solid matter out of the ethereal ghostly nothingness of the zone. Making something from nothing takes enormous power, power that is being drawn from Earth's sun.  

A plan to stop that scheme has an unfortunate side affect of releasing all the Phantom Zone villains en masse, dominating Earth and ranging out into space.  

Superman makes a side trip back in time where he winds up on Krypton just before it blows up. Superman gets to spend time with Jor-El and learns some stuff he didn't know about his Kryptonian father.

Superman had been led to believe that Jor-El discovered the Phantom Zone and was appointed it's jailer, consigning Kryptonion criminals to the Zone for imprisonment. Well, Superman was half-right. Jor-El did discover the Zone but was against using it as a prison, citing it as overtly cruel and punitive. The Science Council thinks using the Zone for a prison is a really cool idea.  

Superman gets back to the present to just in time to help save Earth's sun and deal with the mass Phantom Zone jailbreak.  

The cast is stacked with the Superman family members such as Supergirl, Superboy (Conner Kent), the other Superman (son Jon Kent), Power Girl, Super-Man (the Superman of China) and Mon-El.   

There's a Supergirl back up serial called "Universe's End" written by Mariko Tamaki and illustrated by Skylar Partridge and 

quite frankly I did not understand anything that happened in that storyline.  At all. I hate to think I'm losing my comic book sensibilites in my old age but the Supergirl serial left me completely lost.  

Overall I enjoyed Mark Waid's epic has he made full use of the Superman mythology from whatever counts as current continuity as well as nods to all that is gone before. 

Next time around the Spinner Rack: more Mark Waid with Batman & Robin and Justice League.    

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