Thursday, January 16, 2025

Snowfall In Greensboro

Snow came to the Fortress of Ineptitude and the surrounding environs of Greensboro this past weekend.

Big thick snow flakes began swirling in Friday afternoon and by the end of the day, our car and front lawn was covered in snow up to 2 or 3 inches deep. 

I have photographic evidence of snow here at the Fortress but I will not be sharing it here on the blog. My phone underwent a software upgrade to make my phone "better" and my life "easier" but now I can't figure out how to frickin' email my photos to my computer.  

It's a case of OPEDC.  Old Person Electronic Device Confusion. 

So I googled "Greensboro Snow 2025" and got this photo.  

Per the breathless proclamations of the local news media, I did not venture anywhere in my car.  Normally the weekend is when Andrea and I dine out or I get take out. Instead I wound up cooking our meals for Friday and Saturday.

Friday was supposed to be our monthly Cracker Barrel Fish Fry.  We were really looking forward to that.  

Saturday morning, I went all out with a full breakfast, frying up sausage, scrambling eggs as well as cooking grits and French toast sticks. My personal assessment: it was... tolerable.  

By Sunday, I couldn't take it anymore and had to get out of the house, venturing out to Cook Out and McDonald's.   

Andrea had a cold or sinus problems on Sunday so dining out was not an option.  

While googling photos of the local snowfall, I came across this picture.

Some dude proposing to his girlfriend in the snow.

Which I suppose is romantic as all get out.  Like the climatic scene from a Hallmark Christmas movie or something. 

Hey guy, thanks for setting the bar so high and making life hard for the rest of us.  Women all getting squishy at the thought of a proposal in the falling snow and men thinking "Ah jeez! We gotta do what now for a big romantic gesture?"  

Well, we had our big snowfall and I hope by the time this posts, it's mostly gone away. 

And stays away.

This Friday is supposed to be our monthly Cracker Barrel Fish Fry.  We are really looking forward to that.  

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