Monday, January 27, 2025

Afraid Or Entertained?

Andrea is afraid.

In the 3 plus decades I've known my wife, she is usually afraid of some damn thing or another. 

Andrea is readily predisposed towards fear, paranoia and the worst case scenario.  

During those 3 plus decades, I have taken responsibility to mitigate that fear with facts, common sense and math. 

Sometimes I'm successful.

Sometimes I'm not.

Such as her fear of whatever the hell Donald Trump is going to do next.   

It's kind of difficult to fight fear with facts, common sense and math when the object of fear is immune to such things.  

It is very hard to fight another's fear when I too am fearful. 

After Trump won election back to the Presidency, I have attempted to control my fear of his inept and criminal handling of his office by regarding whatever Trump does as theater.  

If I can detach myself from the very real horrors of Li'l Donnie's Presidency by looking at it as a movie to watch or a TV series to binge, maybe, just maybe I can get through this.

Grab a bag of popcorn and bring it on, bitch!  

Donald Trump is upset that a Christian minister dared to preach a message of mercy and kindness and how dare she speak to him!  

Mercy? Kindness? Who the hell does she think she is?  

Wait! There's more! 

Fox News comes to Li'l Donnie's defense! Really, how DARE she go on a WOKE RANT at the President about....   mercy? Kindness?

Wait! There's more? By all means, show me more!


A congressman suggests that the minister should be deported! 

Well, I think the minister is a legal citizen of the United States merely exercising her first amendment rights to free speech. 

Speaking of mercy and kindness, the fires are still raging in California but Trump says any Federal aid to the state may be contingent on the state instituting a voter ID law.




<I ran out of popcorn>


OK, I'm not sure this is going to work.  

Trump pardoned all the January 6th insurrections including the violent ones?



Trump fired the independent inspectors general of at least 12 major federal agencies that are tasked with rooting out fraud, waste and abuse in the government??



Trump restricts and endangers the lives and liberty of nearly 2 million American citizens with this trans gender executive order???



Am I not entertained????

As much as I want this strategy to work...

There is no way I can sustain this through one blog post let alone through 4 more years.

Andrea is afraid.

And I can't help her.

Because I too am afraid.  

And the alternative involves too much popcorn.  

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