Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Tuesday TV Touchbase: Outlander

Today’s Tuesday TV Touchbase turns to the end of the 7th season of Outlander. 


Claire got shot and nearly died but didn’t.  The gun shot wound was serious but thankfully there is a talented and skilled surgeon on the scene who can do the job. 

Except that surgeon is Claire.  

Thankfully Denzell is not too bad a surgeon for 17th century training and is able with guidance from his patient to repair the damage. Claire survives but it takes a long time for recovery before she can travel.


She and Jamie are heading back to Fraser’s Ridge in the mountains of the North Carolina. Jamie resigned as a general in George Washington’s army and the revolution will now need to be fought without Jamie since his place is by Claire’s side. 


Meanwhile back in 1739, Roger is reunited with Brianna and their two children who have come back in time from 1980 to escape the evil machinations of Ron Cameron. 


And in 1779, while recovering from her gun shot and surgery, Claire is visited by Master Raymond, the mysterious man who somehow saved Claire’s life when she nearly bled to death when she miscarried her and Jamie’s first daughter, Faith. (That was way back in season 2.)  Raymond gives Claire a warning and a request to be forgiven then vanishes. Was this some kind of fever dream for Claire? Jamie insists no one else had come into the room.   


Meanwhile, William (who recently found out that Jamie is his father and not Lord John Grey) reluctantly seeks Jamie’s help.  Jane, a prostitute that William has fallen in love with, has been arrested for killing British Captain Harkness and will be hanged for the crime. Janie killed Harkness to stop him from violating Jane’s young prepubescent sister Fanny. William and Jamie ride to break Jane out of jail but she has already avoided the hangman’s noose by taking her own life.  

Well, that sucks. 


 Meanwhile, checking in with Ian and Rachel, it seems their frequent sexy times has a baby on the way and they’re going to make a home on Fraser’s Ridge.  But without one long time companion.


Rollo, Ian’s domesticated wolf hound who has been loyal and dedicated to both Ian and Rachel, has (I really don’t want to write this) passed away in his sleep.  

Well.... fuck! 

Of all the people who have died on this damned show, this has got to be hardest death I ever had to deal with.  

This sucks.

Meanwhile, checking back in with....

I don't really care. 

I need a moment.




Ahem! Where were we?  

Meanwhile, Jamie and Claire agree to take Jane's sister Fanny with them to Fraser’s Ridge and raise her as their own. Then Claire discovers information that Fanny’s long lost mother may have been Jamie and Claire’s daughter, Faith?!

Did Faith really not die in France all those years ago? 

If so, what became of her that her children Jane and Fanny were left on their own?

Is this what Master Raymond's cryptic message meant when he "visited" Claire? 

These are questions we will need to address when Outlander returns for it's 8th and final season in about a year. 

Well, that is that for this week's Tuesday TV Touchbase.

Until next time, remember to be good to one another and try to keep it down in there, would ya? I'm trying to watch TV over here.  

And feeling very sad about poor sweet Rollo.   



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