Saturday, July 11, 2015

Sex, Lies and Audiotape

Hi there! I'm Dave-El and this is I'm So Glad My Suffering Amuses You, a blog made with eleven herbs and spices.

So it's another one of those days where I slap some stuff to together from my Twitter (which can be found here) and some other random stuff from the internet to come up with something resembling a blog post. So load the heads of lettuce in the catapults and lettuce away.


The following got Tweeted earlier this week by one of my followers and I just had to retweet it. 

The trifecta indeed! I'm so happy that Tina Fey is my future wife. Granted that's something my current wife might object to. But come on! It's Tina Fey! 

What if we moved to Utah? We can make this work!



This hashtag was trending on Twitter a week or so ago: 

I did join with my own entries (see below) but most of them are in and of themselves also lies. I made it a practice not to lie to my parents. No, I didn't lie to them. 

Well, not much. 


OK, a lot. 

OK here we go! Ten Lies I've Told My Parents

Drum roll, please! 


  1. "Sorry, I can't. I have this...thing, you know? Otherwise I would. Oh, look at the time, gotta go!"
  2. "What the...? No! Nothing! I'm not doing anything!"
  3. "I have NO idea how THAT got there!"
  4. "We're trying to get pregnant." (Only if the throat connects to the ovaries.)
  5. "We want you to have grandkids."
  6. "I'll call you again tomorrow."
  7. "I'm not having sex with my girlfriend." (The "lie" part of that was suggesting I had a girlfriend.)
  8. "Of course I'm putting money into savings."
  9. "Voted for Obama? Yeah right!"
  10. *whisper* "I can't talk now; I'm in church."


So some parents are in a tizzy over the McDonald's Happy Meals that come with toys promoting the new Minions movie. (Out this weekend. Go see with a friend. See if they stay your friend.)  Apparently, the caveman Minion can be heard to say, "What the fuck?"  

A couple of people have downloaded videos of this alleged profanity but to be honest, I'm just not hearing it. I think sometimes people hear what they want to hear. Me, I have no problem with the word "fuck". I think it would be funny to hear a Minion say "fuck". You could say I want to hear the Minion say "what the fuck". But I don't hear it. 

What the fuck?

Anyway, here is a graphic I found on the internet involving Minions and bad language.

Except....Ah HA! Gotcha!  Minds in the gutter, y'all! Minds in the gutter.


OK, I'm done for the day. Some blog business before I go.

1) Tomorrow is my regular Sunday posting of Doctor Who stuff. I continue my perilous march through 10 Years of Doctor Who Reborn making my way to Series 6. 

2) Monday is my 800th blog post! Please stop by and see the spectacular post I have planned to celebrate this momentous occasion.  

Just a moment, please. 

Dear God, please give an idea...any idea at all on what to write for Monday's post. Amen. 

OK, I'm back. 

So thanks for popping by and until the next time, remember to be good to one another.  

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