Thursday, July 16, 2015

Strax the Sontaran Deals With the Concept of Transgenders

Today's post has a Doctor Who connection. Yes, I know it's not the weekend when I usually inflict my Doctor Who obsession on this blog but I'm pressed for time today and I found this graphic I worked up recently for...some reason I have forgotten.

Anyway, today we get a visit from Strax, the Sontaran who helps Lady Vastra and Jenny in Victorian England  and is a friend of the Doctor. (Which is weird as Sontarans are typically not big on being helpful or friendly.)  As a Sontaran, Strax is a clone grown in a vat. Therefore he has some trouble counting beyond 1 gender.

Well, he was just starting to come along with this concept when he's confronted by a transgender person. How will Strax cope if he has to counter higher than two? 

OK, Strax dealt with that fairly well. Better than some humans, I'd dare say.

So thanks for popping by and I'll be back with another post tomorrow. Until then, be good to one another.

I'm So Glad My Suffering Amuses You

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