Friday, December 27, 2019

The McDonalds Maladjustment

While my wife Andrea was at work on Monday, I had the day off to spend with my daughter Randie to get things done such as finish wrapping Andrea's Christmas presents.  

Andrea's presents to the two of us vastly outnumbered the presents under the tree for her. We could not let her win Christmas! 

But before we could get to the wrapping, we had errands to run. A trip to the post office, an errand at the bank and then one more shopping excursion for "stocking stuffers". 

Of all the things I have to endure at Christmas getting 
"stocking stuffers" is my least favorite thing to do. This is just not something wired into my holiday DNA. When I was a kid, we didn't do "stocking stuffers". What we got was under the tree and we were lucky there was a tree. 

It was awkward as hell for my first Christmas morning with Andrea when she mentioned that it was now time to exchange the gifts in our stockings. 

Our what in our what now? Look all I care about stockings being stuffed with are women's legs. 

Because nothing beats a great pair of Leggs! 

(This blog post is sponsored by the 1970s.) 

With Randie long grown out of the "we have to act like Santa is real" thing, she is a valuable assistant in figuring out what makes for good "stocking stuffers". 

Before we got to our errands, we needed breakfast so we stopped at McDonald's. 

In my defense for what is about to happen, Randie is, much like her a father, a creature of habit. She usually gets 1 of two things at McDonald's, either a sausage biscuit or an order of hotcakes. Which ever one she gets, she always gets an order of hash browns and a chocolate milk. 

Randie may be legally an adult but she likes chocolate milk. Don't judge her. 

Well, this time she opted for the sausage biscuit but instead of the hash browns, she decided to get an apple pie. 

Since we were eating in at the McDonald's, I opted for the breakfast platter which comes with a serving of eggs, a sausage patty, a biscuit and hash browns. I also got a large iced tea.

I am NOT addicted to iced tea! I can quit anytime I want! Don't judge me!!! 


A very kind young lady places the tray with our order on the counter and I think something looks askew. 

A-HA! A hash brown is missing! 

I see the hash brown that I ordered with the sausage biscuit but not the one that comes with my platter. The young lady without hesitation places a second hash brown on the tray. 

Yeah, I know, I did NOT order a hash brown with the sausage biscuit, I ordered an apple pie with Randie's biscuit which is on the tray.

I immediately go back to apologize and return with the hash brown. The worker is very nice about it and says I can keep the hash brown. But I was wrong and I don't deserve the extra hash brown. 

Then I pulled out a dollar bill to pay for the extra hash brown but the worker wouldn't take it. 

Later, as we left, I put the dollar in one of the collection boxes for the Ronald McDonald House.  

I still feel bad about it. 


Coming up later today, COMIC BOOKS! 

It's a post on Doomsday Clock#12.

And tomorrow, Superman#18.  

Until next time, remember to be good to one another. 

Especially those nice folks at McDonald's.  

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