I don't care what kind of pull Kimberly Guilfoyle aLEGgedly has to draw readers to this blog, I can't LEGitimately put her in every post.
Today's story starts with a fundraising email went out last week from Donald Trump's campaign with the subject line, “Ronald Reagan and Yours Truly.”

Whoops! Sorry!
If you pony of $45, you can get a "limited edition" set of coins, one with the image of Ronald Reagan and the other with Donald Trump. The coins are mounted with a photograph from 1987 of Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump shaking hands.
If you're wondering about the impetus of this great 1987 meeting between a President and a future "President", it was actually no big deal. Donald Trump was in a standard White House receiving line and it was his turn in line to shake Reagan's hand.
I'm sure Li'l Donnie recalls the moment differently.
"Ronald Reagan said he was honored to meet me, that I was going to be President one day. Before he was President, Ronald Reagan made movies. A lot of people don't know that. I made movies too. I starred in Home Alone 2. Everyone says I made that movie so much better. It was a loser before they begged me to be in it."
The fundraising email implies an important link between the two men.
The response from the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation and Institute to his email was, to be succinct, "Oh hell no!"
They have told Donald Trump’s reelection campaign and the Republican National Committee stop using the 40th president’s image and name for fundraising.
Here's what Melissa Giller, chief marketing officer for the foundation, had to say about this: “We own the likeness of President Reagan and they used his image for a coin without our consent. We called the RNC and asked them to cease and desist the use of President Reagan on the coin, and they agreed.”
Now here's the thing that got my attention and prompted today's post. RNC Communications Director Michael Ahrens said the foundation’s objections “came as a surprise.”
"Came as a surprise"?
The group known as the Republican Voters Against Trump used excerpts from Reagan’s “A Vision For America” speech to make a case against Trump. Reagan’s words next to Trump is not a good look for Li'l Donnie.
The “never Trump” Republican Lincoln Project used excerpts from Reagan’s hopeful 1984 reelection ad “Morning in America” to contrast against what it characterized as “Mourning in America” under Trump.
Ronald Reagan's messages of hope contrasted with Donald Trump's fear mongering are the complete antithesis of each other.
And Michael Ahrens says the objections to using Reagan's image “came as a surprise.”
It's bad enough that Donald Trump dwells in some alternate reality where he is universally beloved and respected but the snivelling sycophants who work to keep him in power apparently live there too.
"Came as a surprise"?
As much as it might make Trump feel better that his only opposition is a ragtag gang of left leaning socialist antifa Democrats, the thing is that the reality that the emperor is wearing no clothes is being seen by a wider range of people.
There are Republicans who can see the truth that Donald Trump is not good for the Republican Party but even more importantly not good for America.
Donald Trump would be damn lucky if he had even a fraction of the good will Ronald Reagan had from the American people. Look, Reagan had his failings as President. The Iran Contra scandal was an example of executive power and privilege run amuck. Reagan was slow to recognize and respond to the the AIDS crisis.
But one thing that was never in doubt about Ronald Reagan was his love for this country and his dedication to his service to it's citizens. No one could accuse Reagan of placing adoration of himself above his service to the United States.
Naturally Donald Trump weighed in to accuse those who run the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation and Institute as not being true Republicans, in the pocket of the Washington Post and being a bunch of meanies to poor ol' Li'l Donnie.
Trump also took issue with Fox News reporting this story.
In his attack on the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation and Institute, Trump paints a clear picture why the foundation wants as much clear distance as possible from this malingering, malicious miscreant and just how far away he is from the legacy and the example of Ronald Reagan.
Michael Ahrens says the objections to using Reagan's image “came as a surprise.”
Anyone with a modicum of sense and decency, any with even one eye open should not be surprised.
Seriously, can't Michael Ahrens see the Emperor is naked?
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